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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fire Emblem Fates over sexualization is really off putting imo (pics)

Jumpin said:

How old are you, 90?

Yeah I'm a 90 year old virgin wizard who thinks sex is evil....NOT. 

Yeah, we people who are not okay with cringe-worthy sexualized anime crap are just puritans who think sex is morally wrong, very obviously! :/

This this very bad in the case of FE which has a repuation for being very modest for an RPG

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

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ARamdomGamer said:
I'm going to ask this, is anybody here a fan of the series, and doesn't mind either "style" of the franchise?
I'm fan of Fire Emblem since PoR I have played all the ones that have gotten a western release and enjoy them all, my favorite being RD on Wii. Yet I still fail to see the problem some of you have with the "tasteless fanservice" of the recent titles, Also with the different artstyle, they are different artists for different games in the series, it's how they draw.

I'm with you, actually. I've played the six localized games at least 2x each (hell, I completed FE9 at least 5 times), and I enjoy the new style. Awakening wasn't my favorite in the franchise, but I liked the artstyle, and I thought the cast as a whole was more colorful than what we normally see in the series (with some exceptions, obviously). I do think a lot was done to make the franchise more accessible to JRPG fans, which I don't have a problem with, but it's still really tame compared to a lot of franchises out there (not sure what to say at the comparison to Senran Kagura...I'd like to hope that was just a joke).

Regarding the pictures in the OP/thread...there are character designs that are drawn more sexualized, but it's not really a huge deal for me. I might change my mind when it comes out, but so far the few characters I've seen haven't bothered me.

I don't really know what to say about the option to strip characters down...but I have a tough time believing that in particular is necessary to advance the story. If it is, I'll be annoyed. If it isn't...or if it's simply a bonus feature in the likes of the character SFX menus in fighting games...I have a tough time bringing myself to care. 

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Aeolus451 said:
IkePoR said:

Another person missing the point.  Again, no one is saying that sex doesn't have a time and a place, we're saying that Fire Emblem has, for the most part, been very taseful and creative with character design.  Fates' character design is straight up "how naked can we make these girls?".  

Why does "fan service" have to be characters that are nearly naked or in see-though clothing?  Do fans have such little imagination that they can't look at a reasonablly, sexilly dressed guy or girl and enjoy it?

Don't video game series evolve or change over time? Perhaps, the owners of the IP are trying to give it more appeal to a broader group of gamers. I don't know but it's obvious that they're playing around with going with a less modest character design and that may become the norm for the series. 

I get the point. The OP is hung up over seeing video game characters in skimpy clothes when the series was not normally like it and he's complaining about it. He has issues with the characters being sexualized and not so much with any other aspect of the game. If that wasn't the case then this thread wouldn't be here with all the pics to empathize his problem with it.

As I've stated before in this thread, I'm accepting of the game's design changing.  Different artists have different styles and all that;  I am glad that FE has had a renissance and is selling better; I'm glad there's a larger audience for FE because Inteligent Systems makes great games that should be played by all.  

Now with that said, there's a fine line between modest and sleazy and units wearing basically fucking nothing is not "less modest".  It looks lazy and uninspired. 

Also, your previous post insinuated that OP has a problem with sexualization in video games, when he doesn't.  He doesn't have issues with characters being sexualized, he has issues with them being - over-sexualized.  He also has stated that he has issues with other aspects of the game ...

Though I'm not him, I'm only reading what he says, not his mind.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

ToraTiger said:
generic-user-1 said:
ToraTiger said:

How is this even a retort to my thread? I'm not arguing that it's illegal or morally wwrong to put this outfits in the game, I'm saying it's in poor taste and really sacrifices all the charm and character the series spent 20 years building, just to get weebs and horny teenagers to fap to anime chicks that dress inapproiately, both for the real world and for the setting/period of the series. 

you think its in poor taste, and thats totaly okay.  but i dont think its made for horny teenanger. its just a way to go with the time.(horny teenagers have deviantart, that covers everything, even sexy sonic).  and women on a battlefield are inapproiate in the setting/period, no matter if they are dressed sexy or not.

Exactly. FE is not an accurate representation of any given time period (mages, dragons, ect) You were the one who said that sexuality was rampant in these times so it's okay in FE.  Way to double back on that when I post something that contridicts what you said.   And having sex is NOT the same thing as showing women dressed like hookers with ample proportions fighting on a battlefied. 

Also, the horny anime fan demographic is EXACTLY what they are aiming for. 

im pretty sure that wasnt me.

So, it's only wrong because the female characters look attractive and skimpy? Heavens forbid attractive women! Anyways, for those who didn't know, the mode isn't female character exclusive, it also includes male characters. Please, take a look.

^Fanservice for the guys

^ Fanservice for the ladies 


I find it great that it isn't just trying to appease the male aduience but also the female audience as well. Is it a bit much? I'd say kinda borderline there, but that won't stop me (and countless others) from purchasing when it is released just because of an optional fanservice mode.

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TheLegendaryWolf said:

So, it's only wrong because the female characters look attractive and skimpy? Heavens forbid attractive women! Anyways, for those who didn't know, the mode isn't female character exclusive, it also includes male characters. Please, take a look.

^Fanservice for the guys

^ Fanservice for the ladies 


I find it great that it isn't just trying to appease the male aduience but also the female audience as well. Is it a bit much? I'd say kinda borderline there, but that won't stop me (and countless others) from purchasing when it is released just because of an optional fanservice mode.

Why does no one even read the goddamn thread? This isn't a feminist thread calling out sexualization in females in game, i'm talking about THIS PARTICULAR GAME and it's sexual content which is done in poor taste and is just mindless poindering to horny teens

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew

ToraTiger said:
Dunban67 said:

I see the game deisgn and the characters as the problem.  It's both the dev team and character designers fault for this

Tora-  I am a Christian also but in no way would i characterize anything in FE "porn"

You must have a HUGE problem with catalogs like Victorias Secret as virtually anyone can get hold of them and they are far more "risque" than FE

But then again for some reason i don t beleive your "religion" has anything to do with your post-  the way you ar eusing it does not sond like a religous person would -   I haave found that the SJWS   are trying to use codewords like"religion" and "puritain"   to do their dirty work because there is so much contradiction in asking for less sexualization in video games - 

Okay, now you've turned my interest.  How is it a contradiction in any shape, way or form to ask for less sexualization in video games?  Please tell me, because nothing you said in your post makes an ounce of sense to me.  Of course p0RN-ish sexualization in games is not going anywhere due to people who like it and support it.   I just wish they would keep it out of games like FE that never had any to begin with and now it's identical to some fanservice'y ecchi anime

If you call what is in FE "porn" or "pornish" then you must consider most mainstream tv programing straight porn, all womens clothing catologues porn and most womens mags porn-  matter of fact you must see porn everyday when you walk out of your house-  

If you don t like women "in that way" then play  a game that features men in that way or  fund a kickstarter of games were women wear nothing but business suits from Brooks Brothers-  

Tell me why should your "religion"  have anytjing to do wiith FE?   If you had said you just had a problem w it i might have belivd you were just another beta male that is trying to impres some girl calling herseld a feminist but trying to throw religion out there rings very hollow-

Like i said ive seen too many articles, post etc using terms like "puritans" and "religion" as the complaintent re how women are characterized in various games but the only people that seem to really have a problem w it are the Anits S's of the world and her ilk along with the beta males that white knight them

I just don t see/understand with all the hyper sexualized  content in so many aspects of society= particularly entertainment, why somethjng as tame as the content in 99% of video games  would be on anyones radar if it was not for the SJW s and psuedo feminists

ToraTiger said:
TheLegendaryWolf said:

So, it's only wrong because the female characters look attractive and skimpy? Heavens forbid attractive women! Anyways, for those who didn't know, the mode isn't female character exclusive, it also includes male characters. Please, take a look.

^Fanservice for the guys

^ Fanservice for the ladies 


I find it great that it isn't just trying to appease the male aduience but also the female audience as well. Is it a bit much? I'd say kinda borderline there, but that won't stop me (and countless others) from purchasing when it is released just because of an optional fanservice mode.

Why does no one even read the goddamn thread? This isn't a feminist thread calling out sexualization in females in game, i'm talking about THIS PARTICULAR GAME and it's sexual content which is done in poor taste and is just mindless poindering to horny teens

Trust me, I did read the original post, which never once mentioned the inclusion of male characters nor did you really show proof.  Many people on this thread were asking if it also included males, which wasn't proven until my previous post.

"While I never played the game, this thread contains no spoilers and MAY be NSFW."  

"Prior to awakening, all the female characters in the series dressed very modestly, with only a few exceptions, had decent figures and overall didn't come across as being overtly "sexual".  Which I can't say anymore about the series.  In awakening they introduced a few very sexualize characters, such as Tharja, Olivia and a few others.  There was even a DLC chapter where one of the girls strips down with a provacative risque pose and another with a girl covering her breasts.  While Awakening was pretty sparing with the sexual aspects, it was still a LOT more than anything else we have seen in the series before.  Fast forward to FATES, from what I've seen it seems that everything about the game is peppered with sexual undertones and risque elements.  Below is a part of the game where they literally let you look at your partner while they are stripped down, while many of the characters are wearing very lewd underwear."

The developers obviously pay attention to what helped sell the last game and what is pretty apparent as one of the best selling trends across all media in Japan... DAT Fanservice.

I feel the OP it sort of does suck, but I've not played the game enough to know if it is that bad. Awakening was mild at best, which is a step up for the franchise and most Nintendo games in general but seriously I can't knock them unless they go full bore D.O.A. boob physics are a selling point and from what I hear there is much more to the game then that.

Welcome to modern anime, where 80% of everything is fanservice or "waifu" crap.

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