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ARamdomGamer said:
I'm going to ask this, is anybody here a fan of the series, and doesn't mind either "style" of the franchise?
I'm fan of Fire Emblem since PoR I have played all the ones that have gotten a western release and enjoy them all, my favorite being RD on Wii. Yet I still fail to see the problem some of you have with the "tasteless fanservice" of the recent titles, Also with the different artstyle, they are different artists for different games in the series, it's how they draw.

I'm with you, actually. I've played the six localized games at least 2x each (hell, I completed FE9 at least 5 times), and I enjoy the new style. Awakening wasn't my favorite in the franchise, but I liked the artstyle, and I thought the cast as a whole was more colorful than what we normally see in the series (with some exceptions, obviously). I do think a lot was done to make the franchise more accessible to JRPG fans, which I don't have a problem with, but it's still really tame compared to a lot of franchises out there (not sure what to say at the comparison to Senran Kagura...I'd like to hope that was just a joke).

Regarding the pictures in the OP/thread...there are character designs that are drawn more sexualized, but it's not really a huge deal for me. I might change my mind when it comes out, but so far the few characters I've seen haven't bothered me.

I don't really know what to say about the option to strip characters down...but I have a tough time believing that in particular is necessary to advance the story. If it is, I'll be annoyed. If it isn't...or if it's simply a bonus feature in the likes of the character SFX menus in fighting games...I have a tough time bringing myself to care. 

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334