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ToraTiger said:
Dunban67 said:

I see the game deisgn and the characters as the problem.  It's both the dev team and character designers fault for this

Tora-  I am a Christian also but in no way would i characterize anything in FE "porn"

You must have a HUGE problem with catalogs like Victorias Secret as virtually anyone can get hold of them and they are far more "risque" than FE

But then again for some reason i don t beleive your "religion" has anything to do with your post-  the way you ar eusing it does not sond like a religous person would -   I haave found that the SJWS   are trying to use codewords like"religion" and "puritain"   to do their dirty work because there is so much contradiction in asking for less sexualization in video games - 

Okay, now you've turned my interest.  How is it a contradiction in any shape, way or form to ask for less sexualization in video games?  Please tell me, because nothing you said in your post makes an ounce of sense to me.  Of course p0RN-ish sexualization in games is not going anywhere due to people who like it and support it.   I just wish they would keep it out of games like FE that never had any to begin with and now it's identical to some fanservice'y ecchi anime

If you call what is in FE "porn" or "pornish" then you must consider most mainstream tv programing straight porn, all womens clothing catologues porn and most womens mags porn-  matter of fact you must see porn everyday when you walk out of your house-  

If you don t like women "in that way" then play  a game that features men in that way or  fund a kickstarter of games were women wear nothing but business suits from Brooks Brothers-  

Tell me why should your "religion"  have anytjing to do wiith FE?   If you had said you just had a problem w it i might have belivd you were just another beta male that is trying to impres some girl calling herseld a feminist but trying to throw religion out there rings very hollow-

Like i said ive seen too many articles, post etc using terms like "puritans" and "religion" as the complaintent re how women are characterized in various games but the only people that seem to really have a problem w it are the Anits S's of the world and her ilk along with the beta males that white knight them

I just don t see/understand with all the hyper sexualized  content in so many aspects of society= particularly entertainment, why somethjng as tame as the content in 99% of video games  would be on anyones radar if it was not for the SJW s and psuedo feminists