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ToraTiger said:
TheLegendaryWolf said:

So, it's only wrong because the female characters look attractive and skimpy? Heavens forbid attractive women! Anyways, for those who didn't know, the mode isn't female character exclusive, it also includes male characters. Please, take a look.

^Fanservice for the guys

^ Fanservice for the ladies 


I find it great that it isn't just trying to appease the male aduience but also the female audience as well. Is it a bit much? I'd say kinda borderline there, but that won't stop me (and countless others) from purchasing when it is released just because of an optional fanservice mode.

Why does no one even read the goddamn thread? This isn't a feminist thread calling out sexualization in females in game, i'm talking about THIS PARTICULAR GAME and it's sexual content which is done in poor taste and is just mindless poindering to horny teens

Trust me, I did read the original post, which never once mentioned the inclusion of male characters nor did you really show proof.  Many people on this thread were asking if it also included males, which wasn't proven until my previous post.

"While I never played the game, this thread contains no spoilers and MAY be NSFW."  

"Prior to awakening, all the female characters in the series dressed very modestly, with only a few exceptions, had decent figures and overall didn't come across as being overtly "sexual".  Which I can't say anymore about the series.  In awakening they introduced a few very sexualize characters, such as Tharja, Olivia and a few others.  There was even a DLC chapter where one of the girls strips down with a provacative risque pose and another with a girl covering her breasts.  While Awakening was pretty sparing with the sexual aspects, it was still a LOT more than anything else we have seen in the series before.  Fast forward to FATES, from what I've seen it seems that everything about the game is peppered with sexual undertones and risque elements.  Below is a part of the game where they literally let you look at your partner while they are stripped down, while many of the characters are wearing very lewd underwear."