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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Are you interested in Mario Maker?

Dulfite said:
JNK said:

actual nintendo stole their idea, because these editors exist before mario maker. They just used the mario ip. Nothing wrong with that. Nintendo is also using other ips in smash bros (mega man etc.).

1) The ip being stolen is MARIO. Mario is Nintendo's character. These guys don't have permission to make Mario games of their own.

2) Nintendo has the rights to make whatever they want with THEIR character and THEIR game series. It belongs solely to them. Just because someone else, unethically or illegally, made their own fake game, doesn't mean Nintendo is in the wrong. Nintendo can do whatever they want with Mario because they own Mario.

3) Those ips were agreed upon by those companies (Sega, Capcom, etc). Do you really think Nintendo could use mega man without their permission? LOL that would be absurd. They would get sued. Nintendo isn't stealing anything. The games you support are stealing.

If thats the only reason you want to spend 60$ go on. 

The idea of a mario level editor was still stolen by nintendo from the fangames. If you really dont want to support thiefes, you cant buy super mario maker.

The Fangames are free and no commercial profit will be made with them. Nintendo take the idea of a mario level editor to make money.

So even if I agree that they "stole" the mario ip, made similar textures and music and co, they just did it as a fanserice. They dont want to make money with it. On the other hand nintendo now took their ideas to make a profitable product. You can decide on yourself whats more morally reprehensible.


All in all its uninteresting for me. I wont buy a 60$ game i can have scince years for free on pc. Thats a ridiclous weak "big holiday game". Im just wondering how blind people are. 

Im a big nintendo fan but this mario maker is just ridiclous. I they would make it a 10$ eshop title, no problem. But this as a full priece retail game? Same priece as games like the legend of zelda, mario galaxy on release or a witcher 3? hahaha no thanks.

Sometimes I have the feelings many nintendo/wii u owners are just dumb and will support everything nintendo is doing. There are even people who defend nintendo youtube politics or other ridicolous failures nintendo did in the past. Dont get me wrong, they still are doing alot good things. But this blind support is ridiclous.


Do you REALLY thing mario maker (a game that was already made by fans as a fangame years ago) is anything similar worth as a game like Halo 5(which will also be released this holiday)? Really? Because they both will sell at almost same priece.

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Namiirei said:
Pavolink said:

But 3DWorld!

I still wonder why i bought this game. I played 1 hour, and it was already more than enough for me.

While I enjoyed a lot 3DWorld, I was also expecting a real 3D Mario.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

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Not interested, Star Fox is the only game published by Nintendo that I plan to buy, maybe Fatal Frame too if a retail version is available in America.

the definitive 2d mario game.
my doubt is about going digital or retail.

Sure why not?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!