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Forums - Sales Discussion - GT 5 Prologue Pre-Orders reach 1 MILLION!!in EU only!!!!

I think the prolouge numbers will be used to determine flops for future games. I.E. "___ is a flop cause sales are less than a demo (GT5p)!"

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jankazimierz said:
I think the prolouge numbers will be used to determine flops for future games. I.E. "___ is a flop cause sales are less than a demo (GT5p)!"


If GT5p is a demo for $40, wtf does it make most games that have less features yet cost $60 ?



What about the full GT?

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If VGC included downloads, GT5P would be at the very least 300k right now in Japan alone....

halil23 said:

Guys, especially xbox fanboy! It more than a demo, and in fact it even bigger than a lot of expansion pack on PC. Also read what DragonLord said. Even better! just wait till it out and see for yourself ;)

Now now, Legend11 who happen to be all over Sony forums, you're a pathetic loser! I understand why you're doing this, because there's haven't been good news for your poor xbox since it being outsold by PS3 in America since January. Kindly STFU! or better why don't you join up on at least that would make you happy ;P and if you love that site (here's hoping) then you can leave this site for good, That would make everybody happy then, especially us vgchartz members :)

OT : Just WOW!


Edit : starcraft what I said to Legend11 also applys to you too!


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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^and whats the point of bolding?

PooperScooper said:
^and whats the point of bolding?

Double banhammer? lol.

Pooper, surely even you must remember and (somewhere deep inside yourself) value the time before the Sony PS3's 40gb introduction fueled MASS Sony fanboyism. A time when people could give their opinions on VGC without being called names regardless of whether the opinion was valid or not?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Those are the parts he thinks Halil should be banned for....bolded for ease of mods I presume.


Seriously. Lets ban some of the worst offenders like halil to set an example. If I called someone as "pathetic loser" for giving an opinion I didn't like Sony fans would be up in arms.

Reasonable Sony fans should be the most offended by people like halil, he makes all of you look bad unnecessarily. If reasonable Sony fans shut Sony fanboys down from time to time the problem wouldn't be NEARLY as bad.

But the only two people I have ever seen do this are makingmusic and DmeisterJ. Where are the rest of you?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Torillian said:
Those are the parts he thinks Halil should be banned for....bolded for ease of mods I presume.

So he should get baned for saying "xbox fanboy"... ok saying the word fanboys is now a ban able offense sorry starcraft you brought this issue up have fun on your ban... He should get baned for saying someones name.... uh... ..hrm... banned for telling someone to STFU... hm.. there should be a shit load of bans going on here then... Hm... I thought this site was better than the other one who bans people for mentioning another website. guess not. You are only allowed to talk about this site and none other. GOT IT!