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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon Starter Elimination Game V2 - The Winner has been decided!


Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

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Kotastic said:
Teeqoz said:

I'm not trying to undermine your work with the game, you've done a great job, but I honestly don't think there should be held another game with the exact same premise as the last one regardless. People will focus Typhlosion more due to him winning last time, so the game becomes sorta "biased" against Typhlosion, and besides, Typhlosion won fair and square last match. Everyone has access to the same items.

k, so what? Let's call it a salty runback then. Or better yet, let the host do whatever he wants. Want Typhlosion to win again? Lend him support fair and square. Want to form alliance? Form one fair and square. Really you're taking this competition too deeply over a text game.

Well, I'm not doing anything to hinder the games. The host does what he wants, but that doesn't mean I can't criticize it.


"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

For those of you who clearly didn't follow the first one, you should know that V2 was planned during the first competition. not after, no salt, nothing of the sort. I find these people bringing up the past as a way to justify some things and that's not what's going on. Typhlosion won the first one that's fine. But that doesn't change the fact that everything was broken with it.

1st of all there was 0 point in evolving in the original competition. It literally did nothing but make you spend a ton of money for the effect of a super potion and to unlock Mega stones and while they were powerful they were temporary.

2nd: The eviolite which was the most useful item in the game was only 500 and halved the amount of damage taken for pokemon that aren't fully evolved. In the last game I wanted to make it so that smaller forms could balance with more evolved forms but instead it made evolution obsolete. Cyndaquil was also the last to evolve reaping the benefits of the eviolite for far longer than anyone else. It was only around 50 or so pages after the eviolite was bought that it was truly discovered to be over powered by a large extent.

3rd: Midway through the talk of V2 came about, this is and will always be because I'm a perfectionist. I like balanced and fair games. Finding out an item which was supposed to be for balancing was completely over powered even against the mega stone which was supposed to be the most powerful item just made it worse. So I started to think about balancing out the items better.

And finally, this was held 3-4 months earlier than I wanted. Why? cause I'm a college student and in the fall when I was going to make it I would be attempting 17 credits for the 1st time. Not doing an elim game around that time. With the way I get involved in things and push there is no way for it to be done properly without me actually messing up in school... and I don't particularly study already.

So if you're voting because Its a redo, it is not. It is simply an improvement. I find it quite annoying to see quite a lot of people joining in and voting because of the previous winner and then accusing me of doing this because I'm "salty" over typhlosion's win. Fun fact If I really was salty I would have gone from him while he was a cyndaquil and easy to kill instead I let cloud build him up and grow. If you are brining in V1 into V2 I will not continue to update cause I'm quite fed up of accusations and have had enough going on in the past 24 hours to make me want to break my $750+ laptop and lose all access to the internet for my entire summer. Now do me a favour and stop this v1 crap.

I already planned on doing a V3 for this but that one is slated for 6 months to a year after gen 7 launches. If your reason for voting is V1, then v1 is done kindly take that feeling and animosity somewhere else. If you're joining because its fun and see it as a good way to pass the time then do it. The vast majority of the people playing are new so I don't see why v1 is even involved in this.

Yes I personally do not want typhlosion to win again but that's not the reason this exists. Right now I don't feel like voting I don't feel like updating and these arguments annoy me. I'm dead serious when I say if this continues I will not update and let the game die or a mod will take over.

once again let me say this, if you're voting because you feel this is a continuation of V1 then stop. V1 is done. If you're voting because its fun and you enjoy the competition please continue. I'm not in the mood for these arguments and I really don't want to break my computer or ask to go on break from chartz. Okay?

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BasilZero said:

Torchic is already deep fried chicken Bazil... ; )



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Rain's vote:
Use both Super Potions on Golduck
"Poor Golduck "

My vote:
