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Kotastic said:
Teeqoz said:

I'm not trying to undermine your work with the game, you've done a great job, but I honestly don't think there should be held another game with the exact same premise as the last one regardless. People will focus Typhlosion more due to him winning last time, so the game becomes sorta "biased" against Typhlosion, and besides, Typhlosion won fair and square last match. Everyone has access to the same items.

k, so what? Let's call it a salty runback then. Or better yet, let the host do whatever he wants. Want Typhlosion to win again? Lend him support fair and square. Want to form alliance? Form one fair and square. Really you're taking this competition too deeply over a text game.

Well, I'm not doing anything to hinder the games. The host does what he wants, but that doesn't mean I can't criticize it.