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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think of Marijuana?

Euphoria14 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
Euphoria14 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
Garcian Smith said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
ElRhodeo said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
all drug users and traficers should be the punishemnt of amputation or death respectfully, no questions asked, people just have to learn, simply as that. :)

What is wrong with you? It wasn't funny the first time, much less when you repeat it.




Nothing is wrong with me, I just think it's time for some hard action to be put in place because clearly having a soft hand as we have now get's us no where, simple as that.

Because clearly the answer to stem the tide of nonviolent, victimless crimes is amputation or the death penalty. Let me guess: Next you're going to say that you would shoot them yourself, but you won't because [insert excuse here]. Thank you, Internet Tough Guy jake_the_fake1, you are clearly the last true hero in this world.

some times a few have to be sacrificed for the greater good, they are casualties of war. What war, I hear you say, it's the war against drugs my simple minded friend.

Now the reason I choose such a radical solution was because the current way of dealing with this problem simply isn't working, it's just a slap on the risk and that's it, if you really want to stop it then drastic measures have to be implemented, it's really as simply as that. Now the only people agains't this are clearly the same people doing drugs so it's natural for them to be defensive, but hey it's tough love and heaven knows we need it, and we need it now.

Only thing you forget it that people know damn well what they are doing when they do it. Nobody puts a gun to someones head and says "Smoke this and/or drink this or we will kill you".

You are more like "Smoke this and/or drink this and I will kill you".

The way I see it, you are worse than they are.

Man is the measure of all things, who is anyone to tell me what I can or can't do with MY BODY.

interesting you say this, cause we sure stop those that love to cut them selvs, but hey like you said it's their body and they can do what they like to it.

Now the question is, should tax payers money be spent trying to help these people once they've gone over board to the point of killing them selvs?

I say no, they should just be left to die, they decided to do it knowing what could happen, so they should be left to bear the brunt of their decision, after all it's their body and they can do what they like with it.

According to many religions, killing yourself is wrong. I do not say it is right, but I have no control over that.

Difference here is that Marijuana does not kill you nor does you doing the drug hurt anyone else.

if your stoned, and driving a car, the likely hood of you crashing is high, it's like alcohol, while it may not kill you it's self, it robs you of the sense's and brain power to not do stupid life threatening things, and it's these thing that can not only kill you but kill others.

As for not hurting others, well that's a lode of bull, how about hurting family and loved one?

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Daddo Splat said:
mr-money said:
OK, let me break this down to you really, really simply.

Marijuana is not damaging to your health. It is the opposite. Marijuana is not addictive. It is the opposite.

Marijuana's previous name was hemp. It used to be illegal for farmers NOT to grow it. It was used for oil, textiles, food, drugs, and a replacement for tobacco.

It was rebranded "marijuana" and made to look dangerous by the media, so that the oil, drug and tobacco companies could profit immensely.

I advise everyone here to push for marijuana legalisation in your own state. Marijuana is great, although I have not personally smoked it, because I'm not into that stuff. I'd rather be fully conscious and aware. I'm not that insecure, although I guess it would be fun to try it.

Iam guessing when you say not addictitive you mean no withdrawl symptoms?? becaus people have addictive style personalities and chase the feeling they get when High! So maybe its not as hard as alchohol or nicoteen to get off of but people  can and do abuse it!

Also its can make some people paranoid! Iam not saying its any worse then alchohol ! But its all about escape and when your loaded everything seams so funny! and hat about the munchies are we not already to fat here in America!

 Nice try there. If Cannibus was the cause of obesity, explain whythat was not a problem in other countries where they were smoking cannibus for centuries.


Just another excuse if you ask me. Like when McDonald's blamed Games for obesity a couple months ago. 

Maybe we should look into the real problems. Like fastfood, alcohol, cigarette companies adding addictive chemicals, etc... instead of something that has not been a problem since... well...  ever.

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Smidlee that's nothing to do with the drug, that's to do with the lifestyle it has, which is caused by it being illegal.

Im guessing you have never tied it Jake? take a couple a tokes and then see if u wanna preach to us! :)

Euphoria14 said:

Though there is some concern about long term effects of smoke in general, marijuana as such is non-toxic and it does not harm the brain, liver or other organs. None of the risks associated with smoking (primarily bronchitis) apply to marijuana consumed in food (e.g. cookies, tea).

There is no known case of a single person ever dying from an overdose of marijuana. It is safer to take too much marijuana than too much aspirin, a common over-the-counter medicine. 50 doses of aspirin are lethal, but it takes an estimated 40,000 doses of marijuana.

 Studies are showing that THC can create schizophrenia like symptons in people, so I think it does affect peoples mind.  Also, I disagree with people who say it is not addictive.  I agree that it's not a physical addiction, but more of a mental addiction.  I say people get mentally addicted to it is because they have nothing else to.  I guess you could say it just becomes a hobby.

 Should recreational pot be illegal?  I think so.  I've seen people who when they smoke alot, all they do is sit in basements and do literally nothing for a whole afternoon.  There's plenty of arguements of why it should be legalized...I can't really coment on those because they are convincing  

 Also, with all the money spent on the so called war on drugs, people say just legalize it and control it, so the war on drugs wouldn't be as a huge financial drain.  Okay, so pot is legalized, controlled, taxed, now what?  Drug dealers will find something else, probably create a concotion of something really dangerous and play the exact same game all over.  It will always be a never ending cycle there.    

Around the Network
Daddo Splat said:
mr-money said:
OK, let me break this down to you really, really simply.

Marijuana is not damaging to your health. It is the opposite. Marijuana is not addictive. It is the opposite.

Marijuana's previous name was hemp. It used to be illegal for farmers NOT to grow it. It was used for oil, textiles, food, drugs, and a replacement for tobacco.

It was rebranded "marijuana" and made to look dangerous by the media, so that the oil, drug and tobacco companies could profit immensely.

I advise everyone here to push for marijuana legalisation in your own state. Marijuana is great, although I have not personally smoked it, because I'm not into that stuff. I'd rather be fully conscious and aware. I'm not that insecure, although I guess it would be fun to try it.

Iam guessing when you say not addictitive you mean no withdrawl symptoms?? becaus people have addictive style personalities and chase the feeling they get when High! So maybe its not as hard as alchohol or nicoteen to get off of but people can and do abuse it!

Also its can make some people paranoid! Iam not saying its any worse then alchohol ! But its all about escape and when your loaded everything seams so funny! and hat about the munchies are we not already to fat here in America!

 Drinking alcoholic beverages has it's benefits but abusing it is lethal. If I were to choose I'd rather drink alchoholic beverages rather than smoking something. For me that was the most useless thing ever made. I don't see what do we benefit from there other than having esteem raised for only a while. Alchoholic beverages give benefits eventually but it's still not to be abused.


Some people may hate me if I were to be their close friend cause I can stand smoke. The problem is that's their body and their lives. So it's out of our hands.  

jake_the_fake1 said:
Euphoria14 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
Euphoria14 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
Garcian Smith said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
ElRhodeo said:
jake_the_fake1 said:






if your stoned, and driving a car, the likely hood of you crashing is high, it's like alcohol, while it may not kill you it's self, it robs you of the sense's and brain power to not do stupid life threatening things, and it's these thing that can not only kill you but kill others.

As for not hurting others, well that's a lode of bull, how about hurting family and loved one?


If it is so similar to alcohol in your opinion, why aren't you trying to get all alcohol made illegal?


Thatmax said:
Im guessing you have never tied it Jake? take a couple a tokes and then see if u wanna preach to us! :)

 Why suggest such a retarded thing? o.0

jake_the_fake1 said:
Euphoria14 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
Euphoria14 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
Garcian Smith said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
ElRhodeo said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
all drug users and traficers should be the punishemnt of amputation or death respectfully, no questions asked, people just have to learn, simply as that. :)

What is wrong with you? It wasn't funny the first time, much less when you repeat it.




Nothing is wrong with me, I just think it's time for some hard action to be put in place because clearly having a soft hand as we have now get's us no where, simple as that.

Because clearly the answer to stem the tide of nonviolent, victimless crimes is amputation or the death penalty. Let me guess: Next you're going to say that you would shoot them yourself, but you won't because [insert excuse here]. Thank you, Internet Tough Guy jake_the_fake1, you are clearly the last true hero in this world.

some times a few have to be sacrificed for the greater good, they are casualties of war. What war, I hear you say, it's the war against drugs my simple minded friend.

Now the reason I choose such a radical solution was because the current way of dealing with this problem simply isn't working, it's just a slap on the risk and that's it, if you really want to stop it then drastic measures have to be implemented, it's really as simply as that. Now the only people agains't this are clearly the same people doing drugs so it's natural for them to be defensive, but hey it's tough love and heaven knows we need it, and we need it now.

Only thing you forget it that people know damn well what they are doing when they do it. Nobody puts a gun to someones head and says "Smoke this and/or drink this or we will kill you".

You are more like "Smoke this and/or drink this and I will kill you".

The way I see it, you are worse than they are.

Man is the measure of all things, who is anyone to tell me what I can or can't do with MY BODY.

interesting you say this, cause we sure stop those that love to cut them selvs, but hey like you said it's their body and they can do what they like to it.

Now the question is, should tax payers money be spent trying to help these people once they've gone over board to the point of killing them selvs?

I say no, they should just be left to die, they decided to do it knowing what could happen, so they should be left to bear the brunt of their decision, after all it's their body and they can do what they like with it.

According to many religions, killing yourself is wrong. I do not say it is right, but I have no control over that.

Difference here is that Marijuana does not kill you nor does you doing the drug hurt anyone else.

if your stoned, and driving a car, the likely hood of you crashing is high, it's like alcohol, while it may not kill you it's self, it robs you of the sense's and brain power to not do stupid life threatening things, and it's these thing that can not only kill you but kill others.

As for not hurting others, well that's a lode of bull, how about hurting family and loved one?

 Big difference my friend.

Read that too.

Then realize that as I said. I only smoke inside my own home. Never going on in public, although Marijuana makes you drive slower. Alcohol makes you feel more "invinclible" if you will, thus making peple drive faster. Plus the fact that personality wise, there is almost no change when stoned compared to drunk.

Big difference. 

Also, Alcohol does kill you.

Also, Marijuana enhances your senses, not robs them.

Before trying to bash something you do not understand, try reading up.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:
Daddo Splat said:
mr-money said:
OK, let me break this down to you really, really simply.

Marijuana is not damaging to your health. It is the opposite. Marijuana is not addictive. It is the opposite.

Marijuana's previous name was hemp. It used to be illegal for farmers NOT to grow it. It was used for oil, textiles, food, drugs, and a replacement for tobacco.

It was rebranded "marijuana" and made to look dangerous by the media, so that the oil, drug and tobacco companies could profit immensely.

I advise everyone here to push for marijuana legalisation in your own state. Marijuana is great, although I have not personally smoked it, because I'm not into that stuff. I'd rather be fully conscious and aware. I'm not that insecure, although I guess it would be fun to try it.

Iam guessing when you say not addictitive you mean no withdrawl symptoms?? becaus people have addictive style personalities and chase the feeling they get when High! So maybe its not as hard as alchohol or nicoteen to get off of but people  can and do abuse it!

Also its can make some people paranoid! Iam not saying its any worse then alchohol ! But its all about escape and when your loaded everything seams so funny! and hat about the munchies are we not already to fat here in America!

 Nice try there. If Cannibus was the cause of obesity, explain whythat was not a problem in other countries where they were smoking cannibus for centuries.


Just another excuse if you ask me. Like when McDonald's blamed Games for obesity a couple months ago. 

Maybe we should look into the real problems. Like fastfood, alcohol, cigarette companies adding addictive chemicals, etc... instead of something that has not been a problem since... well...  ever.

So basicly if corporations made Marijuana it would be bad then.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

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