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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo of France: Splatoon Sells 500k WW FW? (Sold In?) [Splatoon Over 620k Currently]


LOL amazing.

Around the Network

There goes my 300k fw prediction!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

I thought that it would already be at 1 million :(

Arumat said:
I thought that it would already be at 1 million :(

Those are the sales FROM THE FIRST WEEK


LuckyTrouble said:
Splatoon: proving that with enough marketing and enough of a drought between noteworthy releases, even a half finished game can sell well

I kind of wish half finished was just a jab, but I continue to be amazed by how many people are willing to purchase a legitimately half finished game.

If you dont know, were getting free updates every week, like since it has released, we got like 4 weapons and 2 new maps for FREE. And its not the lack of content why people bought the game, is the GAMEPLAY ITSELF. You can have hours of content in the game, but if the gameplay isnt good for you, then why buy it. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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LuckyTrouble said:
Splatoon: proving that with enough marketing and enough of a drought between noteworthy releases, even a half finished game can sell well

I kind of wish half finished was just a jab, but I continue to be amazed by how many people are willing to purchase a legitimately half finished game.

people buy the game because is so freaking amazing as it is, deal with it.

Arumat said:
I thought that it would already be at 1 million :(

WEEK 1 :)

Jranation said:
LuckyTrouble said:
Splatoon: proving that with enough marketing and enough of a drought between noteworthy releases, even a half finished game can sell well

I kind of wish half finished was just a jab, but I continue to be amazed by how many people are willing to purchase a legitimately half finished game.

If you dont know, were getting free updates every week, like since it has released, we got like 4 weapons and 2 new maps for FREE. And its not the lack of content why people bought the game, is the GAMEPLAY ITSELF. You can have hours of content in the game, but if the gameplay isnt good for you, then why buy it. 

People keep touting the free DLC, but I mean, I would be pretty angry if they charged me even more money for the other half of a game I purchased. It may just be up to the average amount of content included in any other FPS at launch by the time September rolls around. Even then, I don't get this gameplay over content argument. Why is it okay to sacrifice content all because the gameplay is good? I want both out of a title, not just one or the other.


tbone51 said:
midrange said:

It may be 500k shipped. All of europe would have had to sell over 200k for 500k sold, and I find that dubious given US performance

Could be but if we include Digital it might barely make it in. We do know digital is rather good for this game, especially Japan where it was supply restrained FW (97% sold through physical copies).

So it could be something like this....

(Just a Guess)


Retail  ~ Country  ~  Digital

155k: NoA                 25k       

  17k: UK                    1k

  24k: France              2k

  20k: Germany          2k

  15k: Rest of Europe 1k

145k: Japan              60k

  20k: Rest of World    1k

396k: Worldwide        92k?



Lol. I dunno!

Hmmm, digital may be a deciding factor, but I still doubt it is 500k sold and not shipped, I guess the best thing to do is wait

midrange said:
tbone51 said:

Could be but if we include Digital it might barely make it in. We do know digital is rather good for this game, especially Japan where it was supply restrained FW (97% sold through physical copies).

So it could be something like this....

(Just a Guess)


Retail  ~ Country  ~  Digital

155k: NoA                 25k       

  17k: UK                    1k

  24k: France              2k

  20k: Germany          2k

  15k: Rest of Europe 1k

145k: Japan              60k

  20k: Rest of World    1k

396k: Worldwide        92k?



Lol. I dunno!

Hmmm, digital may be a deciding factor, but I still doubt it is 500k sold and not shipped, I guess the best thing to do is wait

Oh damn, i forgot to add that the reason i dont see it being shipped is because shipped numbers are adding with digital. Official numbers we got so far (about) 322k Sold Retail (just the 4 countries). If we are talking shipment NoA easily exceeds 200k+ with digital as their were plenty of Copues in the US. That would put japanese estimated numbers (at least 190k FW with digital) with NoA over 400k. 


That said it is speculation and not 100%. Guess we have to wait... :'-(