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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who won the E3? THE VGCHARTZ-VOTE Thread - You decide!


Who won the E3 ? @ All VGChartz User

The PlayStation 4 (Sony) 1,279 68.03%
The Xbox1 (MS) 279 14.84%
nintendo digital event 105 5.59%
see results 217 11.54%
veritaz said:
tokilamockingbrd said:

I do agree with the people saying PC though. 2 of Sony's big 3 will be on PC. And PC is getting most of XB1's "exclusives" too.

Did Horizon not impress you at all or what? Plus we don't know what systems FF is on just that it's timed on PS4. PC can't win if it doesn't get everything like PS4 does.

I said Sony, they get all the big 3 1st, and Final Fantasy Worlds, Dreams, Horizon, No Man's Sky just add to that. Add in COD, Destiny, AC, Batman, and other AAA 3rd Party games they have exclusive content and marketing for. And of course the UC4 footage was incredible.


I was just saying I respect people's opinion who say PC. That is all.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

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"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Sony won. Pretty much common knowledge at this point lol.

"Say what you want about Americans but we understand Capitalism.You buy yourself a product and you Get What You Pay For."  

- Max Payne 3

KreshnikHalili said:
how come so many of you think that sony had the best E3?

1. Shenmue III: kickstarter campaign just got announced. release date TBA, probably 2017
2. Horizon: just got annonced. release date TBA, probably late 2017
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake: multiplatform, remake and release date probably 2016
4. The last guardian: was announced first in... i can´t remember since it´s so long ago. release date 2016
5. Uncharted 4: this was the only "bomb" if you ask me. awesome gameplay shown. release date probably 2016, but still awesome gameplay

but where are the bombs for 2015? there were exactly ZERO bombs for 2015 which if you ask me is a disaster.
microsoft has Halo 5, Forza 6, Gears of War Remake, Tomb Raider (won´t release any time soon on playstation - if ever), Fable Legends and even backward compatibility all coming 2015. this is from an objective perspective a very strong 2015 line-up presented at E3. The big hitters for 2016 are saved for Gamescom (Scalebound, Quantum Break,..).

for me this E3 was more like sony giving a glimpse about future projects and microsoft about delivering games for this year.

microsoft seems to have a really bad standing here on the vgchartz community. this is really funny you know - because would have sony delivered 2015 games at their E3 presentation and microsoft had talked about 2016/17+ games only, you would have probably slaugthered microsoft for having no games this year at all.

anyway, this is just my perspective.

Its becasue  gamers care more about FF7 remake and or S3 then they do the entire MS 2015 holiday line up.  Personally id gladly take F7 remake over MSs entire line up of 2015.  Dont care when or why or how long the wait, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is happening.

Its freaking FF7, its like getting to nail aphrodite.

Ever hear of people vote with their hopes not their realities.  

Square Enix was the bigger winner for me.

As soon as that Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer with younger Xehanort and young Eraqus came on it gave me chills. it's looking likely that Kingdom Hearts 3 will deliver.

Plus Final Fantasy 7 remake, Final Fantasy worlds, Nier 2 and kingdom Hearts chi unchained all looked awesome.

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Sony and it is quite impressive when we know that Sony did 3 other big conferences (GC, Tokio, Ps experience) between E3 2014 and E3 2015.

Sony.By far in my opinion

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Bethesda won.

Presentation wise MS took the crown for me. Backwards compatibility, pro-controller, ReConnect (from the looks of the CGI trailer) and Rare collection have made me decide that I will eventually buy an XOne, which is huge for me, since I wasn't really planning on buying it... ever...

I always knew I was going to buy a PS4 (don't have it yet) and Sony's press conference didn't convince me to buy one this year, meaning I'll probably get it in the Summer of 2016 when the games are actually there... It's great that Shenmue and FFVII remake are coming, but 2017, sheesh, that's a long way away. They could have just announced them next E3...

Nintendo... I'm a huge Nintendo fan, and I love my WiiU and New 3DS to bits, but that presentation... made me sader the longer it kept going. I was smiling at the beginning. Loved the quirky intro and the StarFox gameplay reveal, but after that... I am really excited for the new Mario & Luigi on 3DS and will play that multiplayer Zelda game on 3DS, but no real WiiU megaton? Shame shame.

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The game i liked to see at E3 Conf from all :

Sony :

+ Horizons (best game surprise for me)
+ FF7 remake
+ Shemnue 3
+ The last Guardian
+ Hitman
+ No man Sky
+ Uncharted 4
+ FF world

Microsoft :

+ Dark souls 3
+ Recore
+ Cuphead

Nintendo :

+ Fire Emblem
+ Shin megami tensei  vs  fire emblem ( but Trailer looked awfull so many bad clich..)

Other :

Honor from ubi
Nier 2 from square
Mass effect 4 from EA
Fallout 4 from bethesda

So clear winner for me was sony !

Just to remind, i  don't like any shooter or racer, forza, GT or mario cart is the same for me, no interest in this.