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Which one?

Microsoft 445 24.86%
Sony 1,344 75.08%

Sony's conference was great. Doubt it will be outdone anytime soon. I'd give it a 9/10. MS's, on the other hand, was just decent to pretty good. I'd give it a 6 or 7. I mean when the biggest "megaton" people were talking about is the ability to play last gen games on it? Really, no comparison.

Around the Network

Microsoft did great, but Sony by a landslide.

Sony showed a remake, a kickstarter project, a new art game, trailers taken from fellow E3 participants and a bunch of stuff that we already knew about.

Microsoft showed the remnants of Halo, a package containing 30 of the greatest video games of all time, Rare's take on Black Flag, Phil Spencer, Gears of War 4 and announced some semblance of backwards compatibility.

It's a tight battle, but Microsoft edges it out.

Slade6alpha said:
it seems to me that Satya has cut the budget as we didn't get many big partnerships. 

You know..that reminds me. Gopher's tease of E3 mentioned MS would realize runner up medals do not please developers and publishers. I thought it meant games skipping X1 and publishers jumping ship with the publishing deals. Seems I was right.

Sony, no contest. MS was such a let down for me personally.

Around the Network

Sony by a landslide, they focused on games games games, TLG, FF 7 remake, horizon, dreams, showed shinmue 3 info, uncharted 4 etc. They showed us games of the future, MS gave us backwards compatibility and a new 150$ controller.

Microsoft's conference was flashier, but I don't really feel like they showed all that much.

Sony without question. MS had a good conference for sure but it was so one sided in sony's favour they just win everything

Sony just had the best conference in the history of E3, and the only reason they stopped was because, they have 3 more shows left this year. Sony put on the best showing of games ever, from new IP's, to Classics, and positioned themselves as the home of yearly franchises.

Then in the middle of dominating the games industry, they announced PlayStation Vue is going to be offering the holy grail of TV services by letting users choose the channels they pay for.

Finally, they showed that Morpheus is coming, and it already has plies of games across all diferent genres.

Unbelievable conference, and so much left to show over the next 3 days, and throught the rest of the year. This is why Sony needs to be the industry leader in entertainment.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams



Sony showed a remake, a kickstarter project, a new art game, trailers taken from fellow E3 participants and a bunch of stuff that we already knew about.

Microsoft showed the remnants of Halo, a package containing 30 of the greatest video games of all time, Rare's take on Black Flag, Phil Spencer, Gears of War 4 and announced some semblance of backwards compatibility.

It's a tight battle, but Microsoft edges it out.


MS showed Halo (knew it was coming), Gears (knew it was coming), Fable (knew it was coming), Forza (knew it was coming), a package that I can literally play RIGHT NOW, in HD, with current gen controllers, and 360 games.

Don't try and spin things. Sony won by a landslide.