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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rime is playable, Sony has a master plan for it !

who cares about a ''master plan'' just release the game and ill buy it, thanks ;O

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

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Aerys said:
DerNebel said:
The game is much of it is playable? :D

After 2 years since the first trailer one would expect that the game's playable to a degree. Also can you link the tweet?

There :

Hm, well from the sound of this they've definitely prepared a demo that could be playable at E3.

I think Sony will do something to make this game more important

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


I completely forgot about this game. It certainly looked really good when they showed it at Gamescom.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Maybe it'll get the same treatment as Entwined: reannounced and released at E3.

Around the Network
MoHasanie said:
I completely forgot about this game. It certainly looked really good when they showed it at Gamescom.

That shows the problem of a lot of PS4 games, not enough marketing, thats why a lot think there is no game

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Aerys said:
MoHasanie said:
I completely forgot about this game. It certainly looked really good when they showed it at Gamescom.

That shows the problem of a lot of PS4 games, not enough marketing, thats why a lot think there is no game

Sony always had that problem. Their consoles have the most exclusives but only the big ones get enough marketing. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54