the batman le bundle only charted #96 in april bestseller
the normal batman bundle never in either april, or may, or june
what numbers do you guys expect?`
the 1tb xbone one call of duty holiday bundle was ~200k (sold out)
the ps4 gtav+ tlof black firday bundle was ~340k (sold out)
the ps4 white destiy bundle was ~300k first month (didn't sold out)
no were in the slow summer months
the le bundle will be ~50k units maximum
the normale bundle could be anything, because they just need a new packaging
the xb1 got a new sku, too
+ maybe some of the last white halo bundle sales (not sure if this sould out in the may tracking period, or later)
june npd will be close, too
not at close, as april or may, but 100% certain below 100k. and probably below 50k
if you guys expect gangbuster numbers form the batman bundles, you will be disappointed