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Now to talk about some indies I thought that Ashen and Cuphead looked great and did Below get a graphical overhaul?

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Sony's conference was really good as well. But it had the same issue as Microsoft's in that it lacked surprises. Compounded by the fact that most of its rumoured games, like Microsoft's, are on PC as well.

Thats the problem these days. The conferences follow a cookie cutter formula focused on minimising fan backlash, and we know most of everything in advance due to the internet.

Still, couple of new IP announcements from both, which is exciting.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I've gotten 3 codes for the gears of war beta. Has anyone else gotten more than 1?

They have a video up on the Xbox that explains how BC works and what to expect. Has answers to most questions and speculation. Won't let me embed (maybe because it's unlisted?) but here's a link:

It's also available on the Xbox BC page:

MSS is still offering the $10 Xbox card for Rare Replay even though it's only $30. Solid deal on an already great deal:

Elite: Dangerous and The Long Dark are now available in the preview program:

Just go to the Games page in the store. Go the section with the "new releases" and "coming soon" and go down to the bottom of the page, both games are there under "Game Preview."

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Elite dangerous is a very good solid game on PC.

If you go to games and whole the way to right you see the digital X360 games you own and can install. Only going to install world of keflings at the moment...

Halo warZone match

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

The gears beta loads and loads but I don't get into it, and the X360 games tried make contact with the Xbox live server but always end up in 'fail connecting to network' pity...

More Forza 6 news and images.