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So... Out of curiosity, have any of you created F4 characters? If so, mind showing us how they look?

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Started Ryse yesterday, and man the game is fun. I really love the co-op modes especially.
Also i would not recommend getting a 500GB Xbox One, i just got mine Friday and i only have 183GB left. Just pay the $50 extra for a 1TB model.

I Love Playstation, but my uncle works at Nintendo.


iamRockman said:
Started Ryse yesterday, and man the game is fun. I really love the co-op modes especially.
Also i would not recommend getting a 500GB Xbox One, i just got mine Friday and i only have 183GB left. Just pay the $50 extra for a 1TB model.

I really recommend to spend double or triple more for a +3TB external one, I think you will be fine for the generation.

LudicrousSpeed said:
Awesome deal. Been wanting to buy a second one for bedroom. Ill wait for the S though.

Yeah, heard the s stands for sweet! 

This place has been too quiet for the longest. Even an alt came here to turn up the heat.

Around the Network
Goatseye said:
This place has been too quiet for the longest. Even an alt came here to turn up the heat.

Yeah, hopefully the release dates for the X1 S models of the 500G/1T get announce soon so we can have something to talk about :p

Proud to be a Californian.

darkenergy said:
Goatseye said:
This place has been too quiet for the longest. Even an alt came here to turn up the heat.

Yeah, hopefully the release dates for the X1 S models of the 500G/1T get announce soon so we can have something to talk about :p

Hopefully it's not too far after the 2tb model, sales will flatline after the initial couple of weeks if they don't have a 299 model. 

Ryuu96 said:

Xbox One

WWE 2K16, Warriors Orochi Ultimate 3

Xbox 360

Spelunky, Beyond Good and Evil HD


The only thing that interests me is Beyond good and evil HD and I already have it.

Going to play all of the GWG games this month. I was just thinking about getting 2K16 and Warriors from Amazon...glad i held off. Already beat BG&E like 4 times, so i will skip that.

I Love Playstation, but my uncle works at Nintendo.


Opened a thread about the new bundles but nobody cares. This forum loves Xbox lol.