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Is Halo Wars similar to Command & Conquer? Isn't it a pain in the ass to play games like that with controller?

KiigelHeart said:
Is Halo Wars similar to Command & Conquer? Isn't it a pain in the ass to play games like that with controller?

yeah it's similar and no it's not that hard to play with a controller.
Played quite a few RTS on 360 and Halo Wars makes the best use of the controller. That doesn't mean though that other RTS are bad to control. C&C3 on 360 is fantastic as well.

12 months ago I got my Xbox One.

Since then I earned ~3,000 achievements worth ~80,000 Gamerscore / ~150,000 TA.

My Xbox One library consists of:

27 retail games
61 digital games
all GwG since AC4
all EA Access Vault games
several F2P games
156 XOne games in total

I'm on a 19 day achievement win streak with 224 cheevos unlocked (thanks to master chief collection)!

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Barozi said:

12 months ago I got my Xbox One.

Since then I earned ~3,000 achievements worth ~80,000 Gamerscore / ~150,000 TA.

My Xbox One library consists of:

27 retail games
61 digital games
all GwG since AC4
all EA Access Vault games
several F2P games
156 XOne games in total

... I should abandon my hobby.

Damn, can't wait to watch that cutscene properly when the game comes out.

Awesome deal. Been wanting to buy a second one for bedroom. Ill wait for the S though.

Awesome deal. Been wanting to buy a second one for bedroom. Ill wait for the S though.

KiigelHeart said:
Nothing like killing a Warden Eternal or Swarmlord in the last second to win wave 5 :)

And its a fucking disappointment when you kill them when it hits zero and get the medal, you still lose :(

Proud to be a Californian.