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Barozi said:
jason1637 said:
Well. ive contributed to the 49million with 6 accounts

You know that this is active monthly users and not total accounts?
Did you log into XBL with all your 6 accounts within 30 days, because that's Microsoft's definition for active user?


i use. the accounts often.

Around the Network

I cant download the tron game on the xb1 store. It keeps opening a window asking me to buy it when its free with gold.

jason1637 said:
I cant download the tron game on the xb1 store. It keeps opening a window asking me to buy it when its free with gold.

To download 360 games, even a free one, you must have a valid method of payment entered to proceed. And yes, it will still say "Buy" regardless

Angelus said:
jason1637 said:
I cant download the tron game on the xb1 store. It keeps opening a window asking me to buy it when its free with gold.

To download 360 games, even a free one, you must have a valid method of payment entered to proceed. And yes, it will still say "Buy" regardless

Oh i didnt. know that.  Thank

Angelus said:
I see the Xbox Empire is under new management....again lol
No consistency with the Xbox crowd

Plus Noble is somehow still allowed in here. He stopped being cool ages ago

At least I was cool at some point, unlike you. 

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:
Eh, Jay was perm'd and Shika just didn't have the time anymore.

If I could ban Noble from this thread I would but sadly I don't have that power =/

Bunch of Salty Xbots, so sad. 

Angelus said:
Ryuu96 said:
Eh, Jay was perm'd and Shika just didn't have the time anymore.

If I could ban Noble from this thread I would but sadly I don't have that power =/

Ya, and by the end of the year you'll disappear due to mysterious circumstances lol


As for Noble, you just gotta do a better job of ostracizing him

Don't use big words, you'll confuse the poor guy. 

NobleTeam360 said:
Angelus said:
I see the Xbox Empire is under new management....again lol
No consistency with the Xbox crowd

Plus Noble is somehow still allowed in here. He stopped being cool ages ago

At least I was cool at some point, unlike you. 

First of all, calm down with the spamming. VGC has multiquotes these days (I know, can't believe they actually did something right)


Secondly, if you're gonna lie, it at least has to be somewhat believable. Nobody's gonna take you seriously if you say I was never cool. Especially when I've got messages of you hitting on me from just last week. I mean come on bro....try harder

Angelus said:
NobleTeam360 said:

At least I was cool at some point, unlike you. 

First of all, calm down with the spamming. VGC has multiquotes these days (I know, can't believe they actually did something right)


Secondly, if you're gonna lie, it at least has to be somewhat believable. Nobody's gonna take you seriously if you say I was never cool. Especially when I've got messages of you hitting on me from just last week. I mean come on bro....try harder

Oh shit, you wouldn't dare show those!!!

NobleTeam360 said:
Angelus said:

First of all, calm down with the spamming. VGC has multiquotes these days (I know, can't believe they actually did something right)


Secondly, if you're gonna lie, it at least has to be somewhat believable. Nobody's gonna take you seriously if you say I was never cool. Especially when I've got messages of you hitting on me from just last week. I mean come on bro....try harder

Oh shit, you wouldn't dare show those!!!

Idk...I've been known to be unpredictable

Besides, they contain such lovely poetry. Somebody should really share your uhm...."talent" with the world