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Who all here makes their own games? If so, what types of games do you make?

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Jdog535 said:
Who all here makes their own games? If so, what types of games do you make?

Hi, I'm part of a small team making a few gaming projects. Not sure it'll get anywhere but we are trying haha. We're mostly messing with Unreal 4 making a platformer. 

Ryuu96 said:

Pretty sure maybe roughly 3 users post only in this thread and I'm one of them because I only came back for this thread and I'll be going again when Jay's site actually comes up (whenever that happens xD)

Versus summed it up best in Rob's thread, the Xbox community is pretty dead now here and outside (Not Shika's fault, he's done a great job on the thread but the community is tiny compared to what it was like during XBE time)

Users leaving or just users commenting a lot less in general 

Any news on this? I am sure the community will be very good for all users.

Versus_Evil said:

Looks like im the 43rd person to 100% Unravel on Xbox - According to TA - i really cant recommend this game enough! get it!

I watched some upload clips of it the other day and decided to buy it when my Seagate drive arrives. Nice to hear it's good!

Here, Ryuu. Here are some avatars suggestions you could use instead of that generic Monarch logo:








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Steam on Xbox would be nice but how would that work I don't know. Games were made for PC not Xbox. Also removing the multiple platform barrier really is a chore for devs especially indies. Imagine you are making a game but it is available to gamers instead of specific platform gamer...

For all the videos about Fable Legend I feel I don't know much about it. I like the fact that there is a great selection of characters but is there a campaign? The game is beautiful.

Ryuu96 said:



Happy weekend, friends. It is my hope that this update finds you well. Today, we’ve got a short blog celebrating all things love, and also a preview of the update dropping later this month. We’ll start this week with the ultimate Double Date, and the only plans you need for this Valentine’s Day weekend.


To celebrate the occasion, our multiplayer team took some time to create a special Valentine’s Day weekend social playlist, and having played myself in the lab, I can say that it does hit a certain soft spot. Something about the pink hues combined with a Halo 2 BR in my hands just does it for me. To ensure that you’re ready to take your relationship to the next level, here are the playlist details:

Valentine’s Double Date 
Playlist description: Steak is for dinner. Losing team picks up the check.

  • 2v2 Social Slayer
  • Custom-themed and colored Breakout maps, with modified geometry and weapon placement
  • Halo 2 BR starts
  • Score to win: 30 Kills

We hope to see you in the playlist this weekend, and that each one of your Double Dates finds you ending up on top (of the scoreboard, cut it out).

While on the topic of playlists, as a result of community feedback from a variety of sources, the Multiplayer Team will be making some adjustments to make social experiences more available (and more varied) moving forward. This means that rather than featuring weekend playlists every week (which often take our MP team away from the development of future full-blown game modes), an additional permanent social playlist will be offered, starting with Social CTF next week. This social playlist will offer an additional experience throughout the week (especially helpful for those who can’t play too much on weekends), and also allow another test bed for new playlists (including additional community playlists and more). Weekend playlists won’t be going away entirely, though. Valentine’s Double Date is a good example of a limited-time playlist candidate, and the team will still be building a few special weekend playlists here and there.

Before we move on, bs angel is up to her usual tricks, and has a selection of Halo themed Valentine’s Day cards. Head over to her Twitter to scope 'em out.


The Hammer Storm is coming, and nobody can stop it. Our aptly named February update includes new weapons, new game modes, a brand new map, tons of new REQs, game updates and other new goodness. Today, we’ll preview just a bit while still saving some for next week as well as this month’s live stream (currently scheduled for 2.26).

New Game Modes

As a reminder, the February update brings with it new modes such as Assault and Grifball, as well as the ability to create game types like Oddball and Ricochet thanks to custom game options. Also included is Fiesta Slayer. To get the lowdown on how these modes work, head over to last week’s update: A Whole New Ball Game.

To hold you over until the live stream, I was able to grab an Assault screenshot from a recent Coliseum bridge charge. Soon, the ball will be in your court. Literally. Especially if we’re talking about Grifball.


As we teased last month, the February update brings with it a brand new map, named Torque. While we’ll be showing it off in this month’s stream, and there are a few sneak peeks scattered throughout this update, I also got the okay to show off a slice of the concept art for the map:

Be sure to join us live in a few weeks to see the 343 gameplay premiere.


As has become tradition, we’re revealing the first look at Hammer Storm REQs in today’s update, which will give you a small peak at what’s to come, and some blurred images that will allow you to speculate wildly.


In addition to the above content, Hammer Storm also brings with it a number of game improvements across Forge, fixes for issues with player warping and game de-sync in some rare cases, UI (user interface) improvements, and more. This week, we'll preview some of the work that the latter team has been doing.

In each meeting I attend around the new building, it always seems like teams around the studio are grabbing me to let me know about something they just finished that is slotted for a future update. I then get very excited, and ask when I can tell all of you about it. The most recent example comes this week, when our UI team said “Hey, by the way, we’ve got some cool stuff coming in this month’s update!” So I then got the details.

Like many teams at 343, the UI team is one that is generally well aware of community feedback before the community team can even send it to them. Here’s a summary of feedback we had seen after launch on colors as it pertained to Spartan customization, and some context from the UI team:

Kevin McGinnis, UI Art Lead

In an effort to give players more choice and control over the look of the Spartan and Emblem the UI team worked to expand the color palette. For Armor, we now allow individual selection of Primary and Secondary colors, and for Emblems, individual selection Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary colors. There are no restrictions, so players can choose 2 of the same color to create a totally different looking emblem.

  • Players couldn’t make their armor color similar to the Master Chief or other major character
  • There was no brown, orange, purple, or black
  • There were not enough greens, and too many blues and pinks
  • Emblem “harmonies” (pre-set combinations) restricted player choice

So, then team has made the following changes in the February update.

Changes in February Update:

  • Expanded the color palette for armor and emblems from 32 to 60 colors
  • Replaced the emblem harmonies with simple, primary, secondary and tertiary color options (see below)
  • These new options have no restrictions – you can make any 2 of them the same color and get a completely different looking emblem shape
  • These new colors carry over to Waypoint as well

Here's a look at the new Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary color selection for emblems:

Here’s another sneak peek at some of the new Spartan colors:


If you’re like me, you’ve been pretty darn excited to jump into Rocket League on Xbox One, and the game is coming on February 17. Xbox One owners will also be the proud owners of two exclusive rides, including the Warthog as well as the Armadillo from Gears of War. To get you excited for release, here are two more exclusive screenshots (thanks to the guys and gals over at Psyonix):

For more on Rocket League’s Xbox One debut, head here.


Cant wait for the cusotm new modes in halo 5. Really like the monthly updates 343 is doing.

Jazz2K said:
Steam on Xbox would be nice but how would that work I don't know. Games were made for PC not Xbox. Also removing the multiple platform barrier really is a chore for devs especially indies. Imagine you are making a game but it is available to gamers instead of specific platform gamer...

Phill Spencer said last eyar that the team is working on getting PC games to play on xbox one.

Wright said:

Who's getting Quantum Break day one?

Yo no...

Al diablo las compras! Lo descargo! 

Yes, day one download...


Jazz2K said:
Steam on Xbox would be nice but how would that work I don't know. Games were made for PC not Xbox. Also removing the multiple platform barrier really is a chore for devs especially indies. Imagine you are making a game but it is available to gamers instead of specific platform gamer...

They were created for Windows 10, which is the very OS the Xbox One currently runs, but with the UI overhauled to appear like a console's... 

jason1637 said:
Jazz2K said:
Steam on Xbox would be nice but how would that work I don't know. Games were made for PC not Xbox. Also removing the multiple platform barrier really is a chore for devs especially indies. Imagine you are making a game but it is available to gamers instead of specific platform gamer...

Phill Spencer said last eyar that the team is working on getting PC games to play on xbox one.

Well, your signature is perfect for the post... 

Spencer: I activate the magic card, Steamnarok!

Yoshida: No!

Spencer: Yes! Now that the NXE and Windows 10 are on the field, the incredible magic of Steamnarok can be released! But first, I must discard every exclusive in my, yours, and Steam's library. 

Yoshida: No! You're making a mistake!