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Angelus said:

Ya, taking a bunch of songs from old games and touching them up is pretty much the definition of playing it safe in your soundtrack. But you enjoy it, and there's nothing wrong with that either. To each his own.

I prefer the direction they went in with 4 personally, just my opinion.

I'm not saying that you're wrong for preffering Halo 4's OST, I like it myself, but by that logic every other Halo sequel and spin-off played it safe since none of their OSTs went a new direction.

@jlmurph2 Get used to it, it has been like that since Halo 2^^ I'm not sure if you're hinting at me being one of those fans but believe me when I say that I'm one of the tolerant ones.

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chris0409 said:
Angelus said:

Ya, taking a bunch of songs from old games and touching them up is pretty much the definition of playing it safe in your soundtrack. But you enjoy it, and there's nothing wrong with that either. To each his own.

I prefer the direction they went in with 4 personally, just my opinion.

I'm not saying that you're wrong for preffering Halo 4's OST, I like it myself, but by that logic every other Halo sequel and spin-off played it safe since none of their OSTs went a new direction.

@jlmurph2 Get used to it, it has been like that since Halo 2^^ I'm not sure if you're hinting at me being one of those fans but believe me when I say that I'm one of the tolerant ones.

What's up man?

Other Halos basically had the same story theme. Chief or UNSC against Covenants on an all out war.

Halo 4 departed from that theme, to a more personal and dark tone of story. So yes, H4 was a bold bet from 343i.

The planets we we're playing on H4, felt very alien to us and combined with a dark story, the music had to match the game overall theme. It has some of the best OST the series has to offer.

Goatseye said:

What's up man?

Other Halos basically had the same story theme. Chief or UNSC against Covenants on an all out war.

Halo 4 departed from that theme, to a more personal and dark tone of story. So yes, H4 was a bold bet from 343i.

The planets we we're playing on H4, felt very alien to us and combined with a dark story, the music had to match the game overall theme. It has some of the best OST the series has to offer.

Makes sense, haven't thought of it that way. However, I think it would have been possible to match the game's overall theme without changing the direction too much, best examples for that are 117 or To Galaxy.

chris0409 said:
Angelus said:

Ya, taking a bunch of songs from old games and touching them up is pretty much the definition of playing it safe in your soundtrack. But you enjoy it, and there's nothing wrong with that either. To each his own.

I prefer the direction they went in with 4 personally, just my opinion.

I'm not saying that you're wrong for preffering Halo 4's OST, I like it myself, but by that logic every other Halo sequel and spin-off played it safe since none of their OSTs went a new direction.

@jlmurph2 Get used to it, it has been like that since Halo 2^^ I'm not sure if you're hinting at me being one of those fans but believe me when I say that I'm one of the tolerant ones.

It's not really playing it safe when you are sticking with one specific individual who, like all individuals, lean towards a specific style, and his trying to tell one very specific ongoing story and expressing certain ongoing themes in a trilogy of games. That's just continuity.

But this isn't Bungie. It isn't Marry. It isn't the same story and themes as before. 343 is taking the franchise down a lot of new paths, and especially in terms of the narrative the game has gotten a lot deeper and more complex. Why shouldn't the sound evolve and change to go along with these things when most everything else around it is? I love the main Halo theme with the chants as much as anyone so I'm certainly not against doing new variations of that every game, and maybe throwing in a few other classic tracks when appropriate, but they shouldn't be trying so damn hard to keep the sound where it was in the original trilogy. Especially after moving away from it in their first game of this new journey, and doing so rather successfully in my humble opinion. It feels disingenuous to me. Like you're only doing it because you were kinda made to believe it was necessary, even though you really didn't want to, or feel it was the most appropriate sound for where you were trying to go.


I totally understand that people get comfortable with a certain style after years and years and feel like it HAS TO be that at all times moving forward no matter what else changes, but I simply disagree with that. Adamantly, I might add. Halo shouldn't have to sound like Marty. Bungie's story sounded like Marty, and that was fantastic. His music helped unfold that story. That music can't properly unfold a new story. It wasn't meant to. Every track and style has it's moment, and unless you wanna be stuck in the past glory forever with people saying "person X will never quite match person Y" or "or track X can never be done better than by person so and such for scenario A" then you need to look for new directions.


I felt like they found a good direction in Halo 4 that could have been further evolved for this narrative thread quite nicely. Alas they choose to throw it away, which I find sad.


Just how I feel.

shikamaru317 said:

If you ask me, I think Halo 5's soundtrack has more Halo 4 sounding tracks than Halo 1-3 sounding tracks, which makes sense considering Osiris has more levels than Blue Team and Osiris got the Halo 4 sound. More than half of the tracks sound like Halo 4 imo, but that actually feels like it fits with the series now since those tracks are being played for new characters instead of Master Chief.

I haven't gotten to listen to all of it yet, so I do hope that is the case. Most of what I heard so far had the old sound. Will see if I have some time later to check out the rest.

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Angelus said:
chris0409 said:

I'm not saying that you're wrong for preffering Halo 4's OST, I like it myself, but by that logic every other Halo sequel and spin-off played it safe since none of their OSTs went a new direction.

@jlmurph2 Get used to it, it has been like that since Halo 2^^ I'm not sure if you're hinting at me being one of those fans but believe me when I say that I'm one of the tolerant ones.

It's not really playing it safe when you are sticking with one specific individual who, like all individuals, lean towards a specific style, and his trying to tell one very specific ongoing story and expressing certain ongoing themes in a trilogy of games. That's just continuity.

But this isn't Bungie. It isn't Marry. It isn't the same story and themes as before. 343 is taking the franchise down a lot of new paths, and especially in terms of the narrative the game has gotten a lot deeper and more complex. Why shouldn't the sound evolve and change to go along with these things when most everything else around it is? I love the main Halo theme with the chants as much as anyone so I'm certainly not against doing new variations of that every game, and maybe throwing in a few other classic tracks when appropriate, but they shouldn't be trying so damn hard to keep the sound where it was in the original trilogy. Especially after moving away from it in their first game of this new journey, and doing so rather successfully in my humble opinion. It feels disingenuous to me. Like you're only doing it because you were kinda made to believe it was necessary, even though you really didn't want to, or feel it was the most appropriate sound for where you were trying to go.


I totally understand that people get comfortable with a certain style after years and years and feel like it HAS TO be that at all times moving forward no matter what else changes, but I simply disagree with that. Adamantly, I might add. Halo shouldn't have to sound like Marty. Bungie's story sounded like Marty, and that was fantastic. His music helped unfold that story. That music can't properly unfold a new story. It wasn't meant to. Every track and style has it's moment, and unless you wanna be stuck in the past glory forever with people saying "person X will never quite match person Y" or "or track X can never be done better than by person so and such for scenario A" then you need to look for new directions.


I felt like they found a good direction in Halo 4 that could have been further evolved for this narrative thread quite nicely. Alas they choose to throw it away, which I find sad.


Just how I feel.

I totally get what you're saying, but in that case Halo 5's OST should be that what you wanted: Continuity in form of varied themes of nearly every Halo game, including Halo 4, and new themes, the majority of them not screaming "Marty II" but still conveying that Halo vibe. Regardless if you like the music or not, we have yet to see if the it is capable of truly unfolding Halo 5's story, but judging from the information at hand I think the general tone of it's OST is spot on - the darkest OST fitting for the darkest Halo - older themes from previous Halos fitting for Blue Team - new themes fitting for the new Osiris.

And just for the record, IMO you don't have to use Marty's style to convey that Halo vibe.

shikamaru317 said:

Fallout 4 limited edition controller preorders are up now, better act fast if you want one, only 5,000 of them:

Edit: It looks like it might have already sold out, that was fast, less than 10 minutes I think. Just goes to show, MS was really dumb for not doing a limited edition Fallout controller themselves with a much bigger print run.

Limited Edition console was also a must. Fallout is one of the biggest franchises out there, to have a Fallout like looking console + controller would have been a hit. But instead of this their box of the Fallout bundle does not even have the full Fallout look and only the green box with some Fallout on it^^

I'm loving these Halo 5: LIVE ads XD

chris0409 said:

I'm loving these Halo 5: LIVE ads XD

LOL fantastic!

JoeTheBro said:


Seems like we won't be getting another $50 cut this year. Leaked black friday ad still shows the gears bundle at $349. Also this is a pretty sweet deal; might be the one I try to get.

This I'll be getting hopefully