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I'm playing San Andreas X360 version as a part of my backlog. So far I'm really enjoying it. I'm right around the end of San Fierro, does anyone know how far I have to go?

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Halo 5 won't get stellar reviews, some will complain about missing Forge, some about missing BTB, there will be some complaining about the REQ-System and especially that they cut couch co-op. And the campaign won't be big (343 already said 8-10 hours and that means good players will need less than 8). And then there will be those like Quarter to Three who don't like Halo and will give it a low score simply because they don't like the franchise or something like that (Halo has many people who don't like it even if it is a huge franchise)

But I don't really know how this will decide if you buy an XBO or not. I think it's already pretty clear if you will like the game or not just from all the info we got. I doubt that there will be really anything big which isn't already obvious now. No idea how reviewers will review the game on average but for the own taste it's not really hard to tell if Halo 5 is something big for you regardless of a Meta of 80 or 95.

crissindahouse said:

Halo 5 won't get stellar reviews, some will complain about missing Forge, some about missing BTB, there will be some complaining about the REQ-System and especially that they cut couch co-op. And the campaign won't be big (343 already said 8-10 hours and that means good players will need less than 8). And then there will be those like Quarter to Three who don't like Halo and will give it a low score simply because they don't like the franchise or something like that.

But I don't really know how this will decide if you buy an XBO or not. I think it's already pretty clear if you will like the game or not just from all the info we got. I doubt that there will be really anything big which isn't already obvious now. No idea how reviewers will review the game on average but for the own taste it's not really hard to tell if Halo 5 is something big for you.

If it's "average" I can just wait another year to buy the system. Not like I'd skip the game entirely.

MGS V wasn't bashed on because of the missing multiplayer that would release a month later - I expect that to be the same with in comparison small things like a playlist and a map maker for Halo 5.

Playtime average between 8-12 (10) hours (which probably means they had testers with different skill levels) is just as good as any other Halo game, and don't forget it's on normal as well. The length is not a problem, I dare say beating campaign hits like TLoU or Bioshock Inifinte on normal in 8-12 (10) hours is manageable for most people, but that didn't hurt their reviews.

I am worried about the splitscreen cut and the addition of microtransactions (even though they are the rather harmless kind) as well. Let's hope reviewers can appreciate 4 player drop-in/drop-out coop at 60fps, and let's hope they find the multiplayer experience to be enjoyable.

However, I'm confident that Halo 5 will get stellar reviews IF, and only if, the campaign is as impactful and spectacular as 343i hypes it. The 4 missions I've seen are promising, let's hope the rest will blow us away.

shikamaru317 said:
Ummm, wow. Ryuu just told me that there are apparently only 3 Master Chief/Blue Team missions in Halo 5. If that's true 343 royally screwed up. You don't put new playable characters into 4/5ths of the missions in the game. A good number of fans got pissed when Arbiter was playable for half of the missions in Halo 2, imagine how pissed people will be if Locke/Osiris get 4/5ths of the missions.

You're scaring me, Shika :( I honestly don't know how to feel about this.

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Ok, the whole internet is saying the same thing about mission count (Blue Team only having 3 missions). I'm trying to stay open-minded but my expectations for the campaign have sunk drastically.

This wait is gonna kill me.

edit: Apparently the information was taken from a stream. The guy had already beaten the campaign, so on mission select he went from top to bottom, scrolling through each mission and revealing name, description and playable squad.

If that mission thing is true then I'm gonna be really disappointed


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Yeah, sucks. They just have to accept at 343i that Master Chief is a huge part of Halo for many fans. It's as if you would make a Tomb Raider game without or almost without Lara. There are franchises where fans don't care too much about the playable characters and then there are games like Halo, Tomb Raider or Zelda.

I mean, sure, they want to show that they can do more than only using what Bungie already used but they can't be that blind not to see how the Master Chief is simply a very important factor for many Halo fans.

I don't see what's with the hate of Locke though. He's a capable enough operator to become a ONI Spartan officer, without going through military academy like the rest.
He used to be a head hunter and he chased the best throughout the galaxies.
I'm excited for Locke because he will make Chief a more interesting character, instead of a boring Super Man type of character Bungie has been making S-117 to be.

Graphics wise maybe the loss of Corinne Yu wasn't that good for them. But yeah, it's really hard to believe how "couch co-op wasn't possible". Where in the world does Halo 5 scream that the action on screen or whatever couldn't be realized in co-op? In the year Halo lost this, CoD got it for up to 4 players lol..

I mean, yes, it's 60fps now but this is a first party title with maybe the biggest budget MS ever paid for a single game or at least one of the biggest budgets and they couldn't manage to get better graphics or at least couch co-op? I mean, I don't care about the graphics that much but I still wonder how this is what they praised as so crazy that it's only playable alone on one console.