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Barozi said:
MoHasanie said:
So what games are you guys currently playing? I'm thinking of starting Far Cry 4, but I play the MCC and Mario Kart 8 very often as well.

Dragon Age mostly. I've put 10 hours into it  since it came to the Vault.

Nice. How long do you think the game would take to finish? 40 hours? 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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Digital Foundry's recent analysis of Halo 5 Guardians from gamescon seems a lot more positive than the E3 footage. Kinda strange how on vgchartz that this would get close to no attention while everyone was all over the E3 analysis. /s

MoHasanie said:
Barozi said:

Dragon Age mostly. I've put 10 hours into it  since it came to the Vault.

Nice. How long do you think the game would take to finish? 40 hours? 

Depends on your definition of finishing an RPG. I seriously doubt that I'm 25% into the game as I already did tons of sidequests and I'm still in the first bigger area of the game (Hinterlands).
Playing the main story and a few side missions, I would say around 50 to 60 hours. (Nearly) all sidequests: ~70 hours. All achievements: 75-80 hours.

But that's more of a guess. I can tell you more in a few weeks

Barozi said:
MoHasanie said:
Barozi said:

Dragon Age mostly. I've put 10 hours into it  since it came to the Vault.

Nice. How long do you think the game would take to finish? 40 hours? 

Depends on your definition of finishing an RPG. I seriously doubt that I'm 25% into the game as I already did tons of sidequests and I'm still in the first bigger area of the game (Hinterlands).
Playing the main story and a few side missions, I would say around 50 to 60 hours. (Nearly) all sidequests: ~70 hours. All achievements: 75-80 hours.

But that's more of a guess. I can tell you more in a few weeks

Wow, 50-60 hours :O . It would take me months to finish! 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

I really like those 15 minutes

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EspadaGrim said:
MoHasanie said:

I'd prefer if they bought Remedy. 

The problem with Remedy is that they take so long to make a one game and Platinum has proven that they are capable of making quality AAA games very quickly. Remedy would still be a very good pick up though but Platinum would have an Immediate impact on Microsofts library of games.

All the more reason for MS to internalise them. MS management, gets games out on time more often then not, at least with regards to their internal teams.

shikamaru317 said:

Don't know if anyone else noticed, but Creative Assembly is developing Halo Wars 2, which rules out that being Decisive's first game. So the options for Decisive now are Age of Empires 4, Rise of Nations 2, and Age of Mythology 2. I'm hoping for Age of Empires 4.

Very good choices, but just because its a strategy game for a beloved IP, doesn't mean it's an RTS IP. It could be a revival of Gears of War: Tactics

Barozi said:
MoHasanie said:
Barozi said:

Dragon Age mostly. I've put 10 hours into it  since it came to the Vault.

Nice. How long do you think the game would take to finish? 40 hours? 

Depends on your definition of finishing an RPG. I seriously doubt that I'm 25% into the game as I already did tons of sidequests and I'm still in the first bigger area of the game (Hinterlands).
Playing the main story and a few side missions, I would say around 50 to 60 hours. (Nearly) all sidequests: ~70 hours. All achievements: 75-80 hours.

But that's more of a guess. I can tell you more in a few weeks

From memory it took me about 95 hours.

I still haven't looked into the DLC.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

The Little Acre for me.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Below for me.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54