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dx11332sega said:
I wonder if Xbox One X price in 2019 is gonna be 400?

I was expecting it to happen this year at least as a black Friday offer. But it seems to be doing so well that we rarely see offers for it. At least we know it is the best selling Xbox SKU, unit wise, and that is very impressive. 

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dx11332sega said:
I wonder if Xbox One X price in 2019 is gonna be 400?

I was expecting it to happen this year at least as a black Friday offer. But it seems to be doing so well that we rarely see offers for it. At least we know it is the best selling Xbox SKU, unit wise, and that is very impressive. 

Do we? I didn't know that that is extremely impressive given the price.

I am very keen to pick one up but its still a little expensive for my tastes (in Australia) and I am hopeful for an end of year price cut.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:

I was expecting it to happen this year at least as a black Friday offer. But it seems to be doing so well that we rarely see offers for it. At least we know it is the best selling Xbox SKU, unit wise, and that is very impressive. 

Do we? I didn't know that that is extremely impressive given the price.

I am very keen to pick one up but its still a little expensive for my tastes (in Australia) and I am hopeful for an end of year price cut.

Literally 2 hours after I said that a bunch of online Australian retailers have knocked $50 off the price for today only eeeeeeeeeek.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Did I kill the thread? But the bullet and got a One X!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney HD Trilogy coming to Xbox One.

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shikamaru317 said:

Very nice, RIP lootboxes, you won't be missed. I assume they will sell armor sets individually, with the option to unlock them with in-game currency or buy them with micro-transactions.

Ditto. I don't mind microtransactions per se. However, Gacha is an special kind of evil that needs to be vanished to the grave... 

AsGryffynn said:
shikamaru317 said:

Very nice, RIP lootboxes, you won't be missed. I assume they will sell armor sets individually, with the option to unlock them with in-game currency or buy them with micro-transactions.

Ditto. I don't mind microtransactions per se. However, Gacha is an special kind of evil that needs to be vanished to the grave... 

Can't stand them.
Give us actual, tangible content.

shikamaru317 said:

Very nice, RIP lootboxes, you won't be missed. I assume they will sell armor sets individually, with the option to unlock them with in-game currency or buy them with micro-transactions.

The Req system Reqqed Halo 5 for me sadly... Well. Was a big part of it anyway.
So hopefully seeing that go away will be fantastic.

Just hoping it's not replaced with something that is equally as toxic though.

flashfire926 said:

I see them doing it one of two ways.

1) Have Xbox One X be forwards compatible with all xbox two games, and make it the base console for the "scarlet" line at $299, while having the brand new tech launch at $499. 

The X would be the lowest common denominator, while scarlet is the premium variant. 

2) Launch a brand new console in the traditional way, $399. Give it a modest gpu upgrade, but a significant upgrade to CPU.

Xbox One X doesn't really have much in the way of being able to be cost reduced.
It would need a revision or two for that to occur... Even then that wide memory bus isn't doing it any favors.

shikamaru317 said:

I'm 99% sure that next gen won't be a big upgrade, not unless MS and Sony are willing to sell at a loss early gen and make up for that loss with software, subscription, and accessory sales, like they used to do on earlier generations.

It's not hard to completely embarrass the Xbox One X/Playstation 4 Pro's hardware even with commodity parts today.
Time won't be in those consoles favours.

The sad part is that they will likely leverage AMD's Graphics Hardware... Which... To be blunt... Is shit outside of a couple of edge scenarios.

shikamaru317 said:

Assuming a 2020 release at $400-500, we should get around 10-12 tflop on GPU, compared to 6 tflop on XB1 X, so maybe not even double XB1 X on GPU department. T

More to a GPU than flops.
Flops doesn't account for the Ray Tracing capabilities in nVidia's new GPU's for example.

shikamaru317 said:

However, the upgrades in CPU and storage will be much bigger than the GPU upgrade I suspect. Ryzen is a big upgrade over the Jaguars in PS4 Pro and XB1 X, we should see at least a 3x improvement in CPU power.


shikamaru317 said:

What that will mean for games is larger AI counts (think AC Unity), improved physics effects, improved destructibility on environments, and improved AI.

Physics is very much the domain of GPU's going forward.

shikamaru317 said:

As for storage, I can't imagine that MS and Sony will stick with standard hard drives yet again, they might not gives us proper, large SSD's, but at the very least we should expect to see a decent amount of SSD cache, which will speed up load times considerably compared to this gen.

A decent 7200rpm mechanical disk is still a substantial upgrade over the Xbox One X and Playstation 4 Pro's internal mechanical disks.
Don't count them out yet.

shikamaru317 said:

Now if MS and Sony are willing to sell at a loss on hardware, I could see GPU being pushed to maybe 14-16 tflop range. Still not enough to give us a true generational leap over PS4/XB1, at least if native 4k is the goal, but will at least push next gen games past current PC ultra settings by a good margin.

Why can't it provide a generation leap?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

So for Black Ops4 PS4 is only content 7 days fight instead of the usual 30 days first. Good news for Xbox and PC players.

shikamaru317 said:
Do you guys think we'll see a big hardware upgrade in 2020? I think Xbox One X complicated the issue here. Looking at the current price, I only see two options. Either Microsoft is gaining huge profits from it, which is doubtful, or next gen upgrades won't be exciting at all. The lowest I can see Xbox X price at 2020 is $299. Sony and Microsoft will target $399-$499 and the X will force them to go with $499 to be able to make a noticeable difference. What we're going to see is a slightly better GPU and a new CPU.
Unless a company innovate in a controller or something else, it won't feel a new gen at all. I think VR or real 3D is going to be the evolution in video games. Whoever nails it first is going to dominate the market for a good amount of time.

I'm 99% sure that next gen won't be a big upgrade, not unless MS and Sony are willing to sell at a loss early gen and make up for that loss with software, subscription, and accessory sales, like they used to do on earlier generations. Assuming a 2020 release at $400-500, we should get around 10-12 tflop on GPU, compared to 6 tflop on XB1 X, so maybe not even double XB1 X on GPU department. That will be enough power to hit native 4k consistently with a small graphics upgrade over this gen, or if devs stick with sub-4k, it will be enough for a moderate graphics upgrade over this gen. However, the upgrades in CPU and storage will be much bigger than the GPU upgrade I suspect. Ryzen is a big upgrade over the Jaguars in PS4 Pro and XB1 X, we should see at least a 3x improvement in CPU power. What that will mean for games is larger AI counts (think AC Unity), improved physics effects, improved destructibility on environments, and improved AI. As for storage, I can't imagine that MS and Sony will stick with standard hard drives yet again, they might not gives us proper, large SSD's, but at the very least we should expect to see a decent amount of SSD cache, which will speed up load times considerably compared to this gen.

Now if MS and Sony are willing to sell at a loss on hardware, I could see GPU being pushed to maybe 14-16 tflop range. Still not enough to give us a true generational leap over PS4/XB1, at least if native 4k is the goal, but will at least push next gen games past current PC ultra settings by a good margin. 

I'm just hoping that they give both resolution and performance options like many games on the X. I'd take 1440p with better visual effects and hopefully 60fps over 4k 30.


I'm also holding off on buying an Xbox One X because I want to feel that wow even more next generation. It's only 2 years away... At a maximum. They both could launch 2019. Though... I hope they don't. 900p hdr on my tv is good enough for me atm. Assassin's Creed Origins looks amazing. Judging by your post before, pretty glad I skipped syndicate and waited a few years before jumping back into AC.

shikamaru317 said:
Pemalite said: 

Why can't it provide a generation leap?

What I meant is a generational leap that is as big as earlier generations. The push for native 4K combined with diminishing returns means that the improvement from gen 8 to gen 9 will seem smaller than the leap from gen 7 to gen 8 was. Just like the leap from gen 7 to gen 8 seemed smaller than the leap from gen 6 to gen 7 was. 

You will never get a big leap like other generations.

We are on the cusp of a new rendering paradigm however, which will skew everything.

ironmanDX said:

I'm just hoping that they give both resolution and performance options like many games on the X. I'd take 1440p with better visual effects and hopefully 60fps over 4k 30.

I'm also holding off on buying an Xbox One X because I want to feel that wow even more next generation. It's only 2 years away... At a maximum. They both could launch 2019. Though... I hope they don't. 900p hdr on my tv is good enough for me atm. Assassin's Creed Origins looks amazing. Judging by your post before, pretty glad I skipped syndicate and waited a few years before jumping back into AC.

I mean... Unless you have the Xbox One and Xbox One X side by side, most people will be hard pressed to tell the difference objectively anyway.
Sure, you could pick out the increased sharpness and framerate, but allot of people don't understand things like Ambient Occlusion anyway.

The Xbox One X is worth the dollarydoo's if you are a graphics fanatic... But games released on it are still released with the base Xbox One's hardware very much on the development mind, most of the performance improvements the console brings is sunk into Framerates and Resolutions anyway rather than say, Larger or more complex worlds or more characters on screen. (Not saying that doesn't happen, it's just the exception not the norm.)

Plus a large chunk of the Xbox One's library still looks and runs like an Xbox One game on the Xbox One X anyway.

But you do get faster install times, the UI is much more responsive and fluid, albeit still at only 1080P.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--