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Just bought RDR digitally for $10. I'm thinking about buying Dead Space once again. I can't Find the physical copy. The first one is only for $4 and the second and third for $5.
They are having a nice discount on Xbox 360 games. If it is available at my region, I would've bought Catherine for $5.

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Just bought RDR digitally for $10. I'm thinking about buying Dead Space once again. I can't Find the physical copy. The first one is only for $4 and the second and third for $5.
They are having a nice discount on Xbox 360 games. If it is available at my region, I would've bought Catherine for $5.

Did you miss them on GwG?
Dead Space 2 was added in April and Dead Space 3 in August.

Finished Assassin's Creed Syndicate and the Jack the Ripper DLC and it turned out to be my 8th most played game on Xbox One with ~43 hours.

A few achievements in this game are glitched unfortunately. The achievement tracker will stop working and it's really hard and sometimes random to fix. Really common problem for Syndicate (and I remember having glitched achievements in Unity as well). The other achievement is just too much of a hassle to do. Getting 100% in everything the DLC has to offer. Including collecting 70 chests....Not worth it. I'm happy with my 54/56 achievements and 1195/1300G.

Last edited by Barozi - on 09 September 2018

Nier Automata unlocks an achievent shop after beating the game. You can buy the achievements using in game money. If any achievement hunter is looking for a guaranteed 1000g, keep it in mind.

shikamaru317 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Shadow of War... amazing game. Too tired to write any of my thoughts down though xD

Profile pic has changed..... 2018 GOTY. :)

Best games I've played this year
1) Shadow of War
2) Dragon Age Inquisition
3) Gears 5
4) Last of Us (put that in there to seem less Xbox bias, but we all know I'm an xcuck.)

FH4, Spyro, and Pokemon are my last games of this year I'm buying day one. FH4 gonna be GOTY Don't @ me.

No RDR2? For shame *shakes head*

You right, totally forgot about that. Getting that as well">"><img src="

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shikamaru317 said:
Barozi said:

Finished Assassin's Creed Syndicate and the Jack the Ripper DLC and it turned out to be my 8th most played game on Xbox One with ~43 hours.

A few achievements in this game are glitched unfortunately. The achievement tracker will stop working and it's really hard and sometimes random to fix. Really common problem for Syndicate (and I remember having glitched achievements in Unity as well). The other achievement is just too much of a hassle to do. Getting 100% in everything the DLC has to offer. Including collecting 70 chests....Not worth it. I'm happy with my 54/56 achievements and 1195/1300G.

You got through it faster than I did, I have 42 hours on the main game 1000 GS alone on Xbox. I didn't play the DLC on Xbox, played it on PS4 instead when I replayed Syndicate a 2nd time. I got all trophies on PS4 version, both main game and DLC. 

heh I'm surprised I played it as much as I did but I definitely wouldn't play it a second time. Not even sure if I like it more than Unity...

Barozi said:

finally 500,000 Gamerscore!!!

That is absolutely amazing! Well done!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

500,000 gamerscore is pretty amazing. It has taken me around 9 years to hit 140,000 :P

I hope that The Last Remnant Remastered isn't a PS4 console exclusive, I still own the 360 version but have yet to finish it but I would buy the remastered version if it's a reasonable price.
This is very odd choice for SE to remaster though I hope that they do Nier next.

EspadaGrim said:
I hope that The Last Remnant Remastered isn't a PS4 console exclusive, I still own the 360 version but have yet to finish it but I would buy the remastered version if it's a reasonable price.
This is very odd choice for SE to remaster though I hope that they do Nier next.

Yeah i still own a 360 copy myself it's truly a great game , The announcement was just for Japan so PS4 only makes sense (I guess Switch could of made sense also), I expect PS4/PC for the West for sure and a good chance of X1 when they make the announcement for the western release.