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Makes sense. I just hope they will have something for the end of the year instead.


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I like February as a launch for Crackdown 3 and Just glad they didn't throw it in October or early November and should give it more room and through a "generally" quieter period gives more time for people to pick it up whilst waiting for bigger hitters to arrive.

On a note Feb 2019 will be 18 months since it's announced delay in August 2017, That is quite some time and way to long just to polish and bug fish so I'm expecting Crackdown to look quite different at E3 this year whether that's through largely improved visuals or many parts of the game having big reworks or overhauls.


- NBA 2K18 - 235.5 hrs
- NBA 2K16 - 213.78 hrs
- NBA 2K15 - 82.33 hrs
- NBA 2K17 - 70.15 hrs

- NBA 2K17 - 561.25 hrs
- NBA 2K16 - 321.80 hrs
- NBA 2K18 - 291.87 hrs

2K17 was the best, IMO. I'm really missing Blacktop on MyTEAM to the point that I'm seeing no point in completing Domination.

Rumor: Arma and DayZ devs Bohemia Interactive working on an Xbox Exclusive game running on Unreal Engine 4?

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 07 June 2018

They will be showing something at E3 would be weird to announce this on Inside Xbox though it could be "Preview Exclusive". Game sounds like a Open World Survival game in a post Apocalyptic setting, Multiplayer is pretty much a given. Possible BR game?

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 07 June 2018

Around the Network

Game could be called Vigor based on a Trademark

Bohemian Dev confirms it's a new IP

Game Informer on Crackdown 3's delay

"Our own sources indicate that the game isn't struggling with development, but Microsoft is hoping to polish up the game's multiplayer portion and does not want the title to disappear amidst the bigger Fall titles."

Looks like Just cause 4 is real, game was possibly leaked by a Steam Ad and was part of the original Walmart Leaks that looks to be becoming a reality as a time goes on. Remember the Walmart Leaks were the first to also mention Rage 2 that turned out to be real.

So it looks like the Gears spinoff is going to be shown at E3.

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 07 June 2018

I find it odd that MS is saving a new IP exclusive for IInside xbox. I think they will probably have a trailer on stage and have gameplay at inside xbox.

When the fuck did KOTOR get on GamePass? Score. Worth another playthrough for HK-47 alone.