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Sea of thieves probably get a beta this summer and will go in preview end of the year I guess.

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The rest of the year looks good for me. About 8 games that are scheduled to come that I'm interested in.

FarCry 5 looks really good. The trailer got me hyped.

Shadow of War Crackdown and State of Decay will have me busy. That's a really good half year to me

Ryuu96 said:
Corrupt mods changing my titles, SMFH!!!

Lmao it fits the thread tho. Full of xbots.

Tagged">"><img src="

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Oh, so Far Cry 5 will be co-op, that's great.

Ryuu96 said:
coolbeans said:
Has Sea of Thieves already been officially pushed back?

Not officially but I think most of us are expecting it doesn't stand a chance at making 2017 lol.


- Farcry 5 looks and sounds awesome, I'd say it has a very good chance of being my favorite Farcry yet from what I've read so far.

- Yeah this year is looking pretty average for me personally, I'm getting Shadow of War, Crackdown and SoD2 Launch but everything else doesn't really interest me, I'll wait on Destiny 2 because I'm not going to be fooled again and like always I don't buy AC on launch.

Lulz, I guess it's pretty average if you only own an Xbox

NobleTeam360 said:
Oh, so Far Cry 5 will be co-op, that's great.

Will it have local co-op or online only?


derpysquirtle64 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Oh, so Far Cry 5 will be co-op, that's great.

Will it have local co-op or online only?

I don't know, I was just going by what Shika's post said. Didn't specify which kind; I hope both but who knows. Also Rem hype!

NobleTeam360 said:
derpysquirtle64 said:

Will it have local co-op or online only?

I don't know, I was just going by what Shika's post said. Didn't specify which kind; I hope both but who knows. Also Rem hype!

Yeah, I can't find the info on this as well. But if it will be online only, then unfortunately I won't be interested in this. So this game is gonna be single player for me.