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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who has the best exclusives in 2015? X1 or PS4

super6646 said:
Ali_16x said:

Really? I doubt Halo 5 will rate better than Bloodborne, and Forza 6 is probably a 80-89 game.  Hell, I'm pretty sure Tearaway Unfolded will be around Halo 5. And Persona 5 will probably be a 90+ game. So PS4 has quality and quantity.

Tearaway wont be Halo 5 rated, and neither will Persona 5. And bloodborne, oh god this excuse. What about the order? That game doesn't exist anymore. What about Ori? It was rated 88. Exactly. Bloodborne is a great game, but its one and only. And indies, really? Give me triple A games.

Lol yessuss people today. SMH

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super6646 said:
Aerys said:

Dont think that can be Saïd when the best rated exclusive game is on PS4 , its quantity+ quality over only quality 

I'm talking about triple A's, not metacritic score's.

Wow  i thought thé logic " triple a or nothing " was a mythe but these people really exist

Sorry but Being a triple A game doesnt make a game better or necessary  more ambitious, thats a really Sad and limited way to define vidéo games


P4G is one of thé best game of thé génération ( or thé old génération ) and its between a AA and a AAA, ico was not a triple A neither but is considered as a cult game


If we go by your logic, Nintendo has no triple A cause their game dont cost a lot to make (not more than a Persona/ LBP/Bloodborne at least )so they are irrelevant from your limited pov


Where are thé gamers, i wonder sometimes when i read such things

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


you should do an elimination thread with all the exclusive from both PS4 and X1.....


+ Halo 5. Rise of the Tomb Raider, Bloodborne, Persona 5

-Rime, N++, Volume, Fruit Ninja Kinect 2

pbroy said:
There are a lot on the PS4 side that I'm interested in and only a few on Xbone, but more fun can be had on the Xbone side on those few games. But PS4 wins if we are going by Mayweather boxing rules.

On a side note: It is a console makers goal to make it so that their console is on more than the others. That's where Xbone excels. If you ain't gaming, you doing something else to entertain.

Wanna make a list and get you votes counted?



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bigtakilla said:
No Quantum Break, or Crackdown guys? Or did they push those back?....

QB was delayed (again) for 2016.

Crackdown was never a 2015 title, such as others CGI games like scalebound and the other game (don't remember the name).

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Aerys said:

You really hâte rpg's that much ? Or you really love halo and are addicted to Topb Raider so much that you cant wait few months  

I am almost always playing RPG's. My problem is that I currently have an 11 hour job per day (except weekends) and now don't have the time to play an abundance of them. I love JRPG's as well as WRPG's but right now I only have eyes to play the AAA's and the Xbox offers that in quality imho better than Sony right now. Knowing Sony their first two years always suck and they always come back swinging, so i'll be ready for E3 this year. I like Tomb Raider because I am a huge Uncharted fan and since we get no Uncharted this year PS4 is in second and Halo 5 and Rise of the Tomb Raider take the year for me. Last year Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall and Halo Master Chief Collection took the year for me despite the issues. MS has been on a roll as of late with the games that count even though they dont have the numbers that Sony has. So far BloodBorne and the Witcher are the best RPG's let alone games of the year, but after I played Halo 4 I am supremely pumped for Halo 5.


Oh that sucks when you are a fan, i understand 

Thats surely why short games or games that nées les immersion from the gamer are more popular, most of people have no time for rpg's, i knew that when i was studying, awful all thé games i missed, when you lack of time, yeah, games like uncharted, TR are thé best for you if you want to play various expériences and not stay on the same game for months

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


And for me, it's the ps4, by infinity. Because...she's the only one who get japaneses games.

FFXIV extension (dragonsward), persona 5, disgaea 5, DQheroes, SAO, and others...

You can give me all Uncharted, Halo, and mario together, i don't even want any of them if i miss one persona/disgaea.

When i see so much people ignoring Persona or even considering it like a small/indie title( lol), i wonder if they ever played one

Since i played one, P4G, i see games differently , m'y best game of thé year by far, i cant even understand how some one could be so despising about Persona, i cant believe it, seems like an other dimension

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Aerys said:
When i see so much people ignoring Persona, i wonder if they ever played one

Since i played one, P4G, i see games differently , m'y best game of thé year by far, i cant even understand how some one could be so despising about Persona, i cant believe it, seems like an other dimension

This is exactly what I did. Never played one, I like RPGs tho so I might do some research 

2008ProchargedGT said:
Aerys said:
When i see so much people ignoring Persona, i wonder if they ever played one

Since i played one, P4G, i see games differently , m'y best game of thé year by far, i cant even understand how some one could be so despising about Persona, i cant believe it, seems like an other dimension

This is exactly what I did. Never played one, I like RPGs tho so I might do some research 

Go buy or rent a vita, you need to play P4G it will take at least one month of your life and you will be really sad when it will end, its a pure master piece

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m