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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation @E3 2015 We got FFVII remake, Shenmue III & The Last Guardian, E3's Over Go Home


My favorite part about the conference was...

...The Last Guardian! 17 14.66%
...Horizon! 20 17.24%
...Hitman! 0 0%
...Final Fantasy VII Remake! 50 43.10%
...Call of Duty: Black Ops III! 1 0.86%
...Firewatch! 0 0%
...Dreams! 1 0.86%
...Shenmue III!!! 15 12.93%
...Star Wars: Battlefrond! 2 1.72%
...Uncharted 4! 10 8.62%

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

”The environment where PlayStation wins is best for this industry” (Jack Tretton, 2009)

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Sony broke E3


Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

ihatefatkatz said:
kickstarter? Why not fund it sony?

Pretty weird tbh. Why show it in a Sony exclusive conference and say kickstarted gamers please donate since we can't fund the game -_-'

GAF will never BACK online.

Sony's conference is much exciting than Microsoft's one.

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My youtube gaming page.

Someone call a doctor for me.

ROFL. Announcing a kickstarter at e3 on stage is the weirdest and funniest thing i've ever seen at one of those conferences.

4 ≈ One

ihatefatkatz said:
kickstarter? Why not fund it sony?

That's what I was thinking.

If you're showing it, why not fund it...?

gabzjmm23 said:
ihatefatkatz said:
kickstarter? Why not fund it sony?

Pretty weird tbh. Why show it in a Sony exclusive conference and say kickstarted gamers please donate since we can't fund the game -_-'

same way no one else funded it not even M$$$$ft.   its a money pit.