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Forums - Sony Discussion - Would you buy a more expensive and more powerful PS4K model?


Would you buy a PS4K ?

Yes 86 33.73%
No, not yet. But i am supportive of this idea 40 15.69%
No, i don't like this concept at all. 127 49.80%

No, I don't play consoles for specs. I'd buy a PC that outclasses both if I wanted that.">"><img src="

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Lol. 4k30 for $700^^

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

No, that would split the install base. If that could work someone would have tried it already.

That's a catchy name, but no.


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I'd rather just wait for the price to go down,

Ruler said:

imagine if Sony releases a PlayStation 4K model which can play your PS4 games in either 1080p 60fps or in 4K 30fps.

It will cost 700$ to be realistic here. All current exclusive will be upated to run with the better performance like Bloodborne or Driveclub and future third party games would adapt it or allready patch their current games. But it would only support higher frame rate and resolutions but not graphics.

So it would be

400$ for PS4

700$ for PS4K

so everyone has the choice


Captain obvious here:

From an Engineering point of view: Before launching Xbox 360 it had 256 MB ram. But gearbox requested to add additional 256 MB ram. That cost MS half billion USD. If you are slightly familiar with R & D you will know why its unrealistic.

From R & D point of view: It costs a lot of develop a system. Developers spend billions for this. For a powerful 4K system they need to redesign the whole thing. Lol. Who has time for this?

From Sonys point of view: They are in financial problem. Will they took this risk? Nope.

From consumers point of view: It will be confusing. Last thing Sony wants is confusion.

From developers point of view: Witcher 3 PC version was downgraded because CDPR didnt wanted to "develop" two versions of the same game. PS4K will force develoeprs to abandon PS4.

If you want to play 4K then get a PC. Problem solved. Its easier.

4k is so unnecessary for my 1080p LCD and $700 just for 1080p 60fps is also not worth it... so, no thanks

Historically, expansions for consoles have proven to be a bad idea. This would really be no different.

Mystro-Sama said:
No, that would split the install base. If that could work someone would have tried it already.

"Such an option would never have been considered for older PlayStation consoles as they used a custom hardware platform, which would have been extremely expensive to produce a new, more powerful version of. However, the PS4 uses the x86 architecture. Higher performance x86 chips are being produced all the time, meaning an upgrade would be significantly easier/cheaper to perform. But that doesn’t mean Sony would do it, just that it’s the first time they feasibly could.

Masayasu Ito, Sony Computer Entertainment Senior Vice President, confirmed this during an interview with Japanese gaming website 4Gamer. He also went on to say the real question is whether it should be done."