the_dengle said:
Smear-Gel said: Fuck these guys. Honestly. Kickstarter seems to have a tonne of either investing in a game that will never come, investing in a game that's unplayable, or investing in a game then watching it go to other consoles. Please Yooka-Laylee, survive. |
This game wasn't funded through Kickstarter though. I don't know of any KS-funded games that wound up "unplayable" or on the wrong platforms, only of a few that were scrapped.
I mean croudfunded games. Just used the standard one. Like saying Jell-O, or Xerox.
Broken Age was super....well....broken, for a while. And then got split in two. Then the second part got it's own croudfunding campaign again.
Mighty Number 9 got a LOT of croudfunding campains before anything was revealed, then got some more for an anime, then got some more for english voice acting, then when we finally saw gameplay everyone was disappointed.
And there hasnt been word in ages, despite it coming out this year.
Monochroma was to coming to PC, PS3, PS4, 360, XBone and Wii U. Got delayed for two years then everything but the Xbone version was cancelled.
And now Project CARS
That's just off the top of my head