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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Witcher 3 - Out Now! Impressions?

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Excellent! 254 42.62%
Great! 71 11.91%
Good 32 5.37%
It's OK 32 5.37%
Eh... 13 2.18%
No thanks 20 3.36%
Get this thing out of here! 7 1.17%
See results 164 27.52%
cannonballZ said:

Video won't play for me at the moment. VGchartz is somehow affecting my ability to right click on videos.

There's a vid of the game throwing a completed mission into the failed quests list. A very important mission that definitely affected my ending. I even went through the trouble of reloading the game and looking for the quest in my completed quests list, that's when I took the clip. And it indeed is in my completed list with all checkmarks green and yet when I start the next mission the game says I failed it.

Reason of state, I'll keep an eye on that one when I get that far. The game acts as if you've never started that quest :(
Reminds me too of how I hate the quest order in the completed list, what is the logic behind it.

Geralt sounds like a smoker in English lol. I'm used to the Polish voices.

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I see this thread is still a "let's all piss and moan about witcher 3" still.
Glad I'm still enjoying it with no glitches though 😜 some people find the smallest things to moan about, 'the map doesn't pan out enough' lol seriously?

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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StokedUp said:
I see this thread is still a "let's all piss and moan about witcher 3" still.
Glad I'm still enjoying it with no glitches though 😜 some people find the smallest things to moan about, 'the map doesn't pan out enough' lol seriously?

I think you're confusing being invested in a game with moaning about it.
This thread is about impressions of the game, not Witcher 3 - Out now!, Praise the lord.

It seems you're invested in it too judging by your avatar, so what quests stand out for you?

The good still outweighs the bad and the scale is tipping the right way for me in Skellige. Echoes of the past was great, Missing persons / Nameless was good, I really dislike Yen now, good villain. It is much better playing without the mini map and poi markers, exploration works better in Skellige.

There are still plenty of glitches but it's comedic relief most of the time.
This guy hung on to my boat, continuously hacking a loogie for 10 minutes until I Ieft him at the shore.

Roach couldn't figure out how to put his feet down anymore, so he kept his landing gear up instead. Floating horse.

Not long after he hovered down into the water and poofed. RIP Roach. Thanks for the cold bath.

Skellige looks frigging awesome btw

And yes, I could use a map that zooms out more, so I don't have to pan to each island to figure out where a secondary quest wants me to go. Sorry, I did not learn the toporaphy of the Skellige islands in school.

Level 20 now and just finishing a couple of side quest then I'm ready for skellige, I do love this world they've created it just feels so alive when walking around it. I wonder what the expansions will be? Will we have entire new locations? If so I'd LOVE to visit thanedd Isle and aretuza, also will it continue or be a flashback? I'm really looking forward to seeing what CDPR do. There's still sooooo much they could show when you've read the books.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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I'm looking forward to reading the books. Amazon delivered part 2 and 3 first, part 1 is on back order. I'll wait for that, do something in the right order for a change :)

Witcher 3 pissed me off today with stranger in a strange land. First forced me to kill 2 people, then forced me to surrender and be put in jail by a bunch of villagers. The trial amounted to nothing (I had already completed the follow up quest you're supposed to get there). All together a badly designed quest without any purpose. I can't stand it when a game pretends to give you a choice and then takes the controls from you, either by interrupting you with a cut scene or worse by closing all exits so you can't continue until you do what's in the script.
I guess it's worth sitting through if you have not stumbled onto the Cave of dreams quest yet, which is a fun quest.

Anyway, I killed a bunch of the guards on the way out to blow off steam. They respawn or get up again when you're not looking, no loot. They don't hold a grudge either, frigging tough to fight though.

After that I decided to go mountain climbing. Tough skill as well, hard to judge when the game is going to put you in a slide down the mountain. But you can roll up the mountain to get to places where you shouldn't be :) This is as high as I could get, right above Ard Skellig.

It looks like there should be something up there but on closer inspection it's just a render error. No way to get there.

After 6 attempts I managed to do the ultimate base jump with a safe landing

I tried it with the horse too but he despawns on the way down getting me killed.

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SvennoJ said:

I'm looking forward to reading the books. Amazon delivered part 2 and 3 first, part 1 is on back order. I'll wait for that, do something in the right order for a change :)

Awesome man! Definitely make sure you read "the last wish" first, it's not actually part of the novels (which starts with blood of elves) but "the last wish" is basically Geralt telling stories of his important past adventures to neneke (the main priestess of the temple of melitele) while he's healing there. They include the stories of how he met yennefer, how he came to be destined with Ciri and others. It'sets a good foundation for when you start reading the main novels. Also "sword of destiny" has just released which is also a set of shorter stories of Geralts adventures. You probably already know this but the main novel is Blood of Elves then onto Time Of Contempt then onto Baptism Of Fire, and everybody is basically waiting the next ones to be translated to English so we can carry on reading 😄

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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StokedUp said:

Awesome man! Definitely make sure you read "the last wish" first, it's not actually part of the novels (which starts with blood of elves) but "the last wish" is basically Geralt telling stories of his important past adventures to neneke (the main priestess of the temple of melitele) while he's healing there. They include the stories of how he met yennefer, how he came to be destined with Ciri and others. It'sets a good foundation for when you start reading the main novels. Also "sword of destiny" has just released which is also a set of shorter stories of Geralts adventures. You probably already know this but the main novel is Blood of Elves then onto Time Of Contempt then onto Baptism Of Fire, and everybody is basically waiting the next ones to be translated to English so we can carry on reading 😄

I'm not really a fan of short stories, as you can probably tell from my reaction to the minor side quests :)
But you're right, it does say Blood of elves is a sequel to the last wish. I'll give it a try, it's only $8.99 and actually in stock.

SvennoJ said:
StokedUp said:

Awesome man! Definitely make sure you read "the last wish" first, it's not actually part of the novels (which starts with blood of elves) but "the last wish" is basically Geralt telling stories of his important past adventures to neneke (the main priestess of the temple of melitele) while he's healing there. They include the stories of how he met yennefer, how he came to be destined with Ciri and others. It'sets a good foundation for when you start reading the main novels. Also "sword of destiny" has just released which is also a set of shorter stories of Geralts adventures. You probably already know this but the main novel is Blood of Elves then onto Time Of Contempt then onto Baptism Of Fire, and everybody is basically waiting the next ones to be translated to English so we can carry on reading 😄

I'm not really a fan of short stories, as you can probably tell from my reaction to the minor side quests :)
But you're right, it does say Blood of elves is a sequel to the last wish. I'll give it a try, it's only $8.99 and actually in stock.

Yep you should pick it up, the stories are quite important to the whole witcher stor,y plus there good aswell. There will be times when you start reading the novel and they mention or joke about them or a character will appear and they talk about how they knew each other from the past and you won't really know what they mean or what happened.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

SvennoJ said:

After that I decided to go mountain climbing. Tough skill as well, hard to judge when the game is going to put you in a slide down the mountain. But you can roll up the mountain to get to places where you shouldn't be :) This is as high as I could get, right above Ard Skellig.

It looks like there should be something up there but on closer inspection it's just a render error. No way to get there.

Yeah, it seems there's no big surprises, like in some other games, when you are persistant and go places you shouldn't be going.

Honestly, instead of Cyberpunk 2077 for their next game, I wish they go with high fantasy RPG, with blank-ish state character - that 'structure' in distance would be perfect to home some powerfull Lich.

StokedUp said:
I see this thread is still a "let's all piss and moan about witcher 3" still.
Glad I'm still enjoying it with no glitches though 😜 some people find the smallest things to moan about, 'the map doesn't pan out enough' lol seriously?

I invested almost 300 hours into this game, only to be screwed out of the ending I deserved. Yes, I have a lot to complain about in witcher 3. Great that you haven't had the issues that ran into, but that doesn't make them disappear or invalid. It ruined the experience for me.