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StokedUp said:
I see this thread is still a "let's all piss and moan about witcher 3" still.
Glad I'm still enjoying it with no glitches though 😜 some people find the smallest things to moan about, 'the map doesn't pan out enough' lol seriously?

I think you're confusing being invested in a game with moaning about it.
This thread is about impressions of the game, not Witcher 3 - Out now!, Praise the lord.

It seems you're invested in it too judging by your avatar, so what quests stand out for you?

The good still outweighs the bad and the scale is tipping the right way for me in Skellige. Echoes of the past was great, Missing persons / Nameless was good, I really dislike Yen now, good villain. It is much better playing without the mini map and poi markers, exploration works better in Skellige.

There are still plenty of glitches but it's comedic relief most of the time.
This guy hung on to my boat, continuously hacking a loogie for 10 minutes until I Ieft him at the shore.

Roach couldn't figure out how to put his feet down anymore, so he kept his landing gear up instead. Floating horse.

Not long after he hovered down into the water and poofed. RIP Roach. Thanks for the cold bath.

Skellige looks frigging awesome btw

And yes, I could use a map that zooms out more, so I don't have to pan to each island to figure out where a secondary quest wants me to go. Sorry, I did not learn the toporaphy of the Skellige islands in school.