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I'm looking forward to reading the books. Amazon delivered part 2 and 3 first, part 1 is on back order. I'll wait for that, do something in the right order for a change :)

Witcher 3 pissed me off today with stranger in a strange land. First forced me to kill 2 people, then forced me to surrender and be put in jail by a bunch of villagers. The trial amounted to nothing (I had already completed the follow up quest you're supposed to get there). All together a badly designed quest without any purpose. I can't stand it when a game pretends to give you a choice and then takes the controls from you, either by interrupting you with a cut scene or worse by closing all exits so you can't continue until you do what's in the script.
I guess it's worth sitting through if you have not stumbled onto the Cave of dreams quest yet, which is a fun quest.

Anyway, I killed a bunch of the guards on the way out to blow off steam. They respawn or get up again when you're not looking, no loot. They don't hold a grudge either, frigging tough to fight though.

After that I decided to go mountain climbing. Tough skill as well, hard to judge when the game is going to put you in a slide down the mountain. But you can roll up the mountain to get to places where you shouldn't be :) This is as high as I could get, right above Ard Skellig.

It looks like there should be something up there but on closer inspection it's just a render error. No way to get there.

After 6 attempts I managed to do the ultimate base jump with a safe landing

I tried it with the horse too but he despawns on the way down getting me killed.