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Forums - Sales Discussion - April 2015 NPD Thread! XBO #1: 187k, PS4: 174k, 3DS: 116k, Wii U: 42k

teigaga said:
I already said many times that I think X1s momentum and year on year growth won't be visible til april/may because it wasn't til then that sales hit the rocks, Q1 sales were solid and the price cut wasn't in response that but instead abysmal summer sales.... but even I am shocked.

Not by the X1's numbers, simply by the fact that PS4 didn't out do it by 30-50k :o

Are those PS4 numbers down YOY?

Yes, down about 25-ish K I think.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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Playstation TV: 2.5k
M.O.J.O.: 27
Shield: 33

Boosted said:
FloatingWaffles said:

I see your point and it makes sense, but wouldn't you rather be glad your team won anything than nothing at all? Even if some people see this as a tiny victory for Xbox, then why do people feel the need to downplay it so much. At least let the Xbox fans enjoy their "tiny win". 

No because its not a win.  I played hockey and fought in muay thai.  Maybe im to old school for todays let all be friends and happy and pretand we didnt lose and not even keep score but in my day such crap did not exist.  Its a win or its not.

To win is to achive victory, xbox is still down in US so that is why i see no win.  Thast just me.  Win would be xbox passing PS4 in sales even in a single market, a meaningless win but that would be a legitamate win.

Either or, my earlier point still stands.   Some see the big picture.  

but xbox won the april npd which is what this thread is about 

Boosted said:
FloatingWaffles said:

I see your point and it makes sense, but wouldn't you rather be glad your team won anything than nothing at all? Even if some people see this as a tiny victory for Xbox, then why do people feel the need to downplay it so much. At least let the Xbox fans enjoy their "tiny win". 

No because its not a win.  I played hockey and fought in muay thai.  Maybe im to old school for todays let all be friends and happy and pretand we didnt lose and not even keep score but in my day such crap did not exist.  Its a win or its not.

To win is to achive victory, xbox is still down in US so that is why i see no win.  Thast just me.  Win would be xbox passing PS4 in sales even in a single market, a meaningless win but that would be a legitamate win.

Either or, my earlier point still stands.   Some see the big picture.  

Taking a combat sports analogy. If this is a 5 round fight (5 year generation) and each year is a round, then PS4 is winning the 2nd round so far after the first minute, but Xb one threw in a couple of good punches just before the second minute started (i.e. it won April NPD). PS4 won round 1, but Xb one came back strongly in the final minute of that round. PS4 also won the pre-fight shit slinging match.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Boutros said:

Playstation TV: 2.5k
M.O.J.O.: 27
Shield: 33


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Boosted said:
FloatingWaffles said:

I see your point and it makes sense, but wouldn't you rather be glad your team won anything than nothing at all? Even if some people see this as a tiny victory for Xbox, then why do people feel the need to downplay it so much. At least let the Xbox fans enjoy their "tiny win". 

No because its not a win.  I played hockey and fought in muay thai.  Maybe im to old school for todays let all be friends and happy and pretand we didnt lose and not even keep score but in my day such crap did not exist.  Its a win or its not.

To win is to achive victory, xbox is still down in US so that is why i see no win.  Thast just me.  Win would be xbox passing PS4 in sales even in a single market, a meaningless win but that would be a legitamate win.

Either or, my earlier point still stands.   Some see the big picture.  

But it DID win the NPD for April. Either way a win is a win, no matter how small someone wants to see it though. I guess that's just your opinion then.

FloatingWaffles said:
Boosted said:

No because its not a win.  I played hockey and fought in muay thai.  Maybe im to old school for todays let all be friends and happy and pretand we didnt lose and not even keep score but in my day such crap did not exist.  Its a win or its not.

To win is to achive victory, xbox is still down in US so that is why i see no win.  Thast just me.  Win would be xbox passing PS4 in sales even in a single market, a meaningless win but that would be a legitamate win.

Either or, my earlier point still stands.   Some see the big picture.  

But it DID win the NPD for April. Either way a win is a win, no matter how small someone wants to see it though. I guess that's just your opinion then.

A what 5% win ? thats your win, thast kinda sad if thats what some celebrate.  

Boosted said:
FloatingWaffles said:

I see your point and it makes sense, but wouldn't you rather be glad your team won anything than nothing at all? Even if some people see this as a tiny victory for Xbox, then why do people feel the need to downplay it so much. At least let the Xbox fans enjoy their "tiny win". 

No because its not a win.  I played hockey and fought in muay thai.  Maybe im to old school for todays let all be friends and happy and pretand we didnt lose and not even keep score but in my day such crap did not exist.  Its a win or its not.

To win is to achive victory, xbox is still down in US so that is why i see no win.  Thast just me.  Win would be xbox passing PS4 in sales even in a single market, a meaningless win but that would be a legitamate win.

Either or, my earlier point still stands.   Some see the big picture.  

If you've played hockey or even followed it then you would know that many wins and losses take place throughout a season, not just one loss or one win. People are talking about the month of April, not the overall sales.

If your talking about a win then neither PS4 or Xbox One are the winners because the overall game isn't over yet, we don't know who's going to end up selling the most. I see no value in a proposition of unintegral/hypocritical arguements, but I thought I'd respond considering Xbox One did WIN NPD on the month of April.

RolStoppable said:
DerNebel said:
Pimmeliger Monat, mensch

Ganz genau, das war ja mal überhaupt nicht knorke.

War einfach mal ne totale Enttäuschung an allen Fronten, hoffe das zeigt den Leuten, dass auch Sony nich einfach nur rumsitzen und die PS4 ihr Ding machen lassen kann, wir brauchen jetzt einfach mal nen Aufrüttler der neuen Schwung in den gesamten Markt bringt, bei solchen Nummern kann man ja depressiv werden.


(This was just a disappointment on every level, hope this shows people that even Sony can't just sit on its ass and have the PS4 do its thing, we really just need a shake up to bring new life into the whole market, the current numbers are just depressive.)

Btw. any news on Bloodborne numbers for the month?

I'll be interested to see where this goes for microsoft, whether it's the trend of the future or just a bump in the road.