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Rate Platina's Reign

10 15 62.50%
9 3 12.50%
8 0 0%
7 0 0%
6 1 4.17%
5 3 12.50%
4 1 4.17%
3 0 0%
2 0 0%
1 1 4.17%
Nuvendil said:
curl-6 said:

Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus sold a combined 45 million and propelled the Wii to record breaking hardware numbers.

It would seem I misunderstood your "generations to come" criteria, but that's a rather arbitrary restriction, especially since Splatoon's ability to move hardware in future generations is completely unproven.

Well the Wii games are hamstringed on principe.  Unless Nintendo goes back to motion control of the same form, they will always be pulled down by the need to own new, extra peripherals.  Splatoon, on the other hand, is not dependent too much on any extra peripheral.  So I think Splatoon I think has a very good chance of being a staple that continues to move units.  The Wii games have much they have to over come that will only get worse the farther from the Wii we go. 

It's still an assumption that Splatoon will have hardware moving power in future generations. Even if it's not a one-off success, it could become one of those games that moves plenty of software but not much hardware cos it only sells to people who already own the system.

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Nuvendil said:
curl-6 said:

So most people voted Nintendo a 6-8/10 for the year?

Wow, you guys are a very forgiving bunch... XD

Well for my part, as I said, I only evaluated them as a first party regardless of the state of the platform.  And four standout, well received exclusives and two competent supporting exclusives is quite a good showing.  Hence 7. The Wii U's year would be like a 4 or a 5, but that's because Nintendo is the only one doing anything for it.  The Wii U' year last year would only be slightly better in the grand scheme, like a 5 maybe a 6 for the same reason, despite Nintendo's year being a 8 or 9.


Also, while the E3 *conference* was bad, the Directs before and the one since were very good, the Treehouse coverage and Nintendo World Championships were good, and the showings at other conferences were good.  So I can deduct for E3 - and I do - but I can't ignore the good ones.  


I agree with you there! The Smash direct, the NWC and the Treehouse event (Which was nice to see gameplay videos of FExSMT and FE Fates!) Somehow made the whole Nintendo e3 2015 better. If it was just the digital event itself........  I would have out my score from 6 to a 4 or 5. ANd ofcourse the past directs before e3 should not be left out. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

CWegzz said:

I'm calling it now that tomorrow's "big" announcement is going to be that the FF7 PC port is coming to Wii U :P

already called it :v

Those Twilight Princess HD pre-orders means thst the game is great and people needs a WiiU Zelda


Minecraft is officially comming to Wii U!

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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LMFAO 250k preorders for TPHD

So the big reveal is Minecraft for Wii U. I hope you can craft items like on the PC version. I hate looking for the item you want in the many lists of craftable items. Just allow me to use the 3x3 grid, and it is already good for me.



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I'm actually looking forward to Minecraft on Wii U.

Just hoping that the Wii U version ain't super gimped compared to say, the 360 version of the game.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Cloudman said:
So the big reveal is Minecraft for Wii U. I hope you can craft items like on the PC version. I hate looking for the item you want in the many lists of craftable items. Just allow me to use the 3x3 grid, and it is already good for me.

there's the gamepad for one reason ;) It would be stupid by them not to let you use the gamepad screen as the popup for the crafting table...

Luke888 said:
Cloudman said:
So the big reveal is Minecraft for Wii U. I hope you can craft items like on the PC version. I hate looking for the item you want in the many lists of craftable items. Just allow me to use the 3x3 grid, and it is already good for me.

there's the gamepad for one reason ;) It would be stupid by them not to let you use the gamepad screen as the popup for the crafting table...

Yeah, it makes sense right?? @_@ I really hope that is a feature in there. I mean, it really is no brainer at this point. Somehow I feel they will not have that, which would make me face palm. u_u;



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