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Slarvax said:

Then ban those people!

There's no way to know the reason for a disconnect. 

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gabzjmm23 said:
Cloudman said:
Dang, are people that hyped for MonHan X? o: It can't be that hard to get..

Mon Hun is really big in Japan.  And they wanted to play it day one.

Haha, yeah, I know. I am just kinda surprised it's still going strong after 3 or 4 MH games on the 3DS. What's new this time?



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I have to admit, Monster Hunter X looks really fun.

Apparently in XCX if you set the camera to be zoomed in all the way, you get a first person mode of sorts:

Platina said:
curl-6 said:
SuperNova said:

They should have just licensed F-Zero to them. We know they weren't averse to outsourcing it. And while this would have been by far their biggest project yet, Shin'en have a pretty good track record.

I've been thinking anyways, that they might be allowed to work on one of the smaller nintendo franchises if fast racing neo turns out as good as it looks.

Well, Nintendo have outsourced F-Zero before, with GX. These days especially they're doing a lot of outsourcing; Starfox to Platinum, Yoshi to Good Feel, Fire Emblem to Atlas, Pokken to Bandai Namco, Twilight Princess to Tantalus...

I actually like this.. giving IP to other devs could add in a new element that Nintendo may not have thought of before, plus it allows Nintendo EAD to focus on a few titles rather than a whole array of IP

though I'm not sure how this cost effective this method would be since I assume that Nintendo would have to pay these developers to produce their IP, though I may be wrong..

Me too. I think it's a good way to deversify their library and get a higher 'first party' software output. In fact I remember people on here saying that this, along with aqiring more studios should have been Nintendos strategy for the WiiU all along and that they should intensify it for NX.

As long as they choose the studios they work with carefully and maybe oversee development I see only positives (as long as no one goes over budget that is.) But so far I've really liked all the games they outsourced. I'm a bit scaptical about the TP HD tantalus port though. I wish they had done something more with the lightning...

Around the Network
curl-6 said:

Apparently in XCX if you set the camera to be zoomed in all the way, you get a first person mode of sorts:

Of sorts being the operative words :P

You would also need to center the camera up behind the character.  I will say though that it does help you really get aan even better sense of how mind bogglingly huge things are from you character's eyes.

I've gone on an eShop spending spree over the last few days and the next title I'm looking to buy is Citizens of Earth. Has anyone here played it? It looks Earthbound-esque which is good, but it has rather mixed reviews so I'm not sure whether it's worth the $16.95 or not.

curl-6 said:

Apparently in XCX if you set the camera to be zoomed in all the way, you get a first person mode of sorts:

preorders suddenly went +200k :v

curl-6 said:
SuperNova said:
curl-6 said:
CaptainExplosion said:
I still would've preferred if it was a new F-Zero.

Shin'en does what Nintendon't


They should have just licensed F-Zero to them. We know they weren't averse to outsourcing it. And while this would have been by far their biggest project yet, Shin'en have a pretty good track record.

I've been thinking anyways, that they might be allowed to work on one of the smaller nintendo franchises if fast racing neo turns out as good as it looks.

Well, Nintendo have outsourced F-Zero before, with GX. These days especially they're doing a lot of outsourcing; Starfox to Platinum, Yoshi to Good Feel, Fire Emblem to Atlas, Pokken to Bandai Namco, Twilight Princess to Tantalus...

Isn't that a good thing ? all the games you listed are acclaimed/highly anticipated by the majority of Nintendo fans and doing so gives Nintendo the opportunity to look into something totally new aka Splatoon. I'm wondering what devs could be the best for working on Metroid, apparently Next Level Games is really interested in the IP since they first started development for a 2D platformer and then shifted onto Federation Force but I'm not shure if they are the right people, I'd give them the possibility only to do a 2.5D one on the handheld (or maybe even with cross release) but I don't know if they're ready to do a Prime game...

Luke888 said:
curl-6 said:

Well, Nintendo have outsourced F-Zero before, with GX. These days especially they're doing a lot of outsourcing; Starfox to Platinum, Yoshi to Good Feel, Fire Emblem to Atlas, Pokken to Bandai Namco, Twilight Princess to Tantalus...

Isn't that a good thing ? all the games you listed are acclaimed/highly anticipated by the majority of Nintendo fans and doing so gives Nintendo the opportunity to look into something totally new aka Splatoon. I'm wondering what devs could be the best for working on Metroid, apparently Next Level Games is really interested in the IP since they first started development for a 2D platformer and then shifted onto Federation Force but I'm not shure if they are the right people, I'd give them the possibility only to do a 2.5D one on the handheld (or maybe even with cross release) but I don't know if they're ready to do a Prime game...

I didn't say it was a bad thing. I actually approve of it, as it increases their software output and potentially brings a fresh spin to established franchises. So long as Nintendo maintains a watchful eye to make sure the outsoruced dev adheres to a high standard of quality, I'm all for it.