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Nintendo news of 22/11/2015: The SNES is 25 years old!

  • There was a coal mine area in an early version of Splatoon.
  • You can get (really expensive) statues of Skyward Sword Link and the Skelly pirate at EB Games and Gamestop!
  • Nintendo UK is pleased with Xeno 3D sales.
  • XenoX first TV-ads are out!
  • An update for Runbow is in the works. Will fix 2 player matchmaking, and add some secret...

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Around the Network

Slarvax said:

-totally awesome news report-

I really missed these. Glad to see a return!

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


curl-6 said:
I was a pretty diehard defender of Nintendo for a long time.
From 2012 onwards though I got increasingly frustrated with them, until I got to the point I'm at now, where I still love them, but disapprove of most of what they do. XD

Funny you should say that, I've kinda been the opposite. Loved them during the GameCube era, became a bit less interested in them during the later Wii years, and for the last few years I've loved what they've been doing. Even if the Wii U has sold poorly, they haven't abandoned it like they could have (although they're obviously regrouping for whatever their next console is at the same time).

gabzjmm23 said:
Skullwaker said:

Personally, I bought the special edition. Three games + artbook + 3DS pouch for $80 is a great deal to me.

I don't see the games going down in price anytime soon, either. In fact, considering they're Nintendo games (and on top of that, Fire Emblem games), I can see them increasing in price with time. That's only considering if you wanted physical for both, at least. Digital should remain the same, maybe go down a little.

I may not play the other versions immediately after my first runthrough, but I know I'll get around to them eventually. Especially considering it may be a few years before we get another mainline Fire Emblem. But ultimately it's your call what to do! It's definitely a unique release they're giving it.

Hey, Skull. Do you know where to get the special edition. sold out in Amazon and GameStop at the moment. :S

@Jranation - go for the bundle (3 paths) as it is cheaper if you wanted all 3 than get Birthright then Conquest then Revelation.  If you are that into FE. but if yo think you are content with BirthRight. It is just buying later would cost too much but other than that, it should be fine. and getting physical copies is the way to go. ;)

Ah Yes! I preordered it last week! =D 

And i do remember some of those faces! I think lots of people became not too active here after the charts delaying for soooo long. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

atomicblue said:
curl-6 said:
I was a pretty diehard defender of Nintendo for a long time.
From 2012 onwards though I got increasingly frustrated with them, until I got to the point I'm at now, where I still love them, but disapprove of most of what they do. XD

Funny you should say that, I've kinda been the opposite. Loved them during the GameCube era, became a bit less interested in them during the later Wii years, and for the last few years I've loved what they've been doing. Even if the Wii U has sold poorly, they haven't abandoned it like they could have (although they're obviously regrouping for whatever their next console is at the same time).

Almost the total opposite then; I found the Gamecube disappointing but loved the Wii. XD

Around the Network
curl-6 said:
atomicblue said:

Funny you should say that, I've kinda been the opposite. Loved them during the GameCube era, became a bit less interested in them during the later Wii years, and for the last few years I've loved what they've been doing. Even if the Wii U has sold poorly, they haven't abandoned it like they could have (although they're obviously regrouping for whatever their next console is at the same time).

Almost the total opposite then; I found the Gamecube disappointing but loved the Wii. XD

And I love all of them

curl-6 said:
I was a pretty diehard defender of Nintendo for a long time.
From 2012 onwards though I got increasingly frustrated with them, until I got to the point I'm at now, where I still love them, but disapprove of most of what they do. XD

For me after buying the Wii U (a few weeks after launch) i started like following gaming news and joining here on Vgchartz. I just used to play these free to play RPGS on my crappy laptop. Since i joined quite late, maybe thats the reason why i don't complain much with nintendo's decision, since i dont quite know what they done in the past. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Slarvax said:

Nintendo news of 22/11/2015: The SNES is 25 years old!

  • There was a coal mine area in an early version of Splatoon.
  • You can get (really expensive) statues of Skyward Sword Link and the Skelly pirate at EB Games and Gamestop!
  • Nintendo UK is pleased with Xeno 3D sales.
  • XenoX first TV-ads are out!
  • An update for Runbow is in the works. Will fix 2 player matchmaking, and add some secret...

Great to see this return :D


I have been slowing down on tournaments and events a lot (this week's didn't work out as well as hoped, unfortunately) so if there is enough interest, I can make them biweekly or weekly (rather than monthly)

NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

  - Official  VGChartz Tutorial Thread - 

NintenDomination [2015/05/19 - 2017/07/02]




Here lies the hidden threads. 

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Nintendo Metascore | Official NintenDomination | VGC Tutorial Thread

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[3DS] Winter Playtimes [Wii U]

curl-6 said:
I was a pretty diehard defender of Nintendo for a long time.
From 2012 onwards though I got increasingly frustrated with them, until I got to the point I'm at now, where I still love them, but disapprove of most of what they do. XD

Well, while I disapprove of a lot of their promotion decisions and other areas of management, I think they've done pretty good on the development front considering they are bench pressing two platforms mostly on their own.   I like that they have taken risks even though they didn't all work out.  But I think the difference is I was quite patient and got the Wii U just recently.  I imagine a lot of early adopters are less pleased than recent ones.

Nuvendil said:
curl-6 said:
I was a pretty diehard defender of Nintendo for a long time.
From 2012 onwards though I got increasingly frustrated with them, until I got to the point I'm at now, where I still love them, but disapprove of most of what they do. XD

Well, while I disapprove of a lot of their promotion decisions and other areas of management, I think they've done pretty good on the development front considering they are bench pressing two platforms mostly on their own.   I like that they have taken risks even though they didn't all work out.  But I think the difference is I was quite patient and got the Wii U just recently.  I imagine a lot of early adopters are less pleased than recent ones.

I was cautious enough to wait until November of 2013 to get my Wii U, but even since then there have been plenty of brutal droughts. I'd actually say they played it far too safe with their software output on Wii U. Games like 3D World and Tropical Freeze were well crafted but lacked ambition.