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That looks pretty fresh!

I already ordered those white Dr. Martens boots from Spyke

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I really appreciate the music Nintendo puts out. I went in to the Mii Plaza and heard the music and I was really feeling it. Not to mention that jazz-funk song they had on eshop a couple of months ago. I really need to listen to that song again, it was off the chain.

Here it is:

They should make a new song for the eshop. Maybe a electro-funk song.

I am a Nintendo fanatic.

Stellar_Fungk said:
I really appreciate the music Nintendo puts out. I went in to the Mii Plaza and heard the music and I was really feeling it. Not to mention that jazz-funk song they had on eshop a couple of months ago. I really need to listen to that song again, it was off the chain.

Here it is:

They should make a new song for the eshop. Maybe a electro-funk song.

I think my favorite ones are the ones they use for the holidays, is so cheery.

And I had an eargasm when they use the F-Zero Mario Kart remixes for the DLC release.

Stellar_Fungk said:
I really appreciate the music Nintendo puts out. I went in to the Mii Plaza and heard the music and I was really feeling it. Not to mention that jazz-funk song they had on eshop a couple of months ago. I really need to listen to that song again, it was off the chain.

Here it is:

They should make a new song for the eshop. Maybe a electro-funk song.

I love the shop music too! It's always so catchy and inviting. And Nintendo seems to be the only company that does it because every other online store I go to usually doesn't have music at all.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Talking about e-shop music reminds me of this:

This was such a magical moment for me, is like Nintendo puts all these little neat details to make something as boring as a transfer process so fun and unique

Around the Network
Skullwaker said:
Stellar_Fungk said:
I really appreciate the music Nintendo puts out. I went in to the Mii Plaza and heard the music and I was really feeling it. Not to mention that jazz-funk song they had on eshop a couple of months ago. I really need to listen to that song again, it was off the chain.

Here it is:

They should make a new song for the eshop. Maybe a electro-funk song.

I love the shop music too! It's always so catchy and inviting. And Nintendo seems to be the only company that does it because every other online store I go to usually doesn't have music at all.

Tell me about it. This is one of the reasons to why I love Nintendo. Who would hire a bunch of musicians and tell them to make a song inspired by jazz and funk? Genres that have been dead (out of the mainstream) since the 70s and that was only really big among the afro american/latin american community. I rather have music than having a sign that tells me to buy Kei$ha's latest album; *cough*Xbox Live*cough*.

I am a Nintendo fanatic.

Stellar_Fungk said:
Tell me about it. This is one of the reasons to why I love Nintendo. Who would hire a bunch of musicians and tell them to make a song inspired by jazz and funk? Genres that have been dead (out of the mainstream) since the 70s and that was only really big among the afro american/latin american community. I rather have music than having a sign that tells me to buy Kei$ha's latest album; *cough*Xbox Live*cough*.


That's one of the things I love about Nintendo. They put charm into everything they do. I actually enjoy just browsing the eShop on the Wii U, and that was something I never did on previous consoles, and that's because of the little touches they put into it. 

I especially like when they change the music up for events like holidays or game launches. Feels very festive.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Skullwaker said:
Stellar_Fungk said:
Tell me about it. This is one of the reasons to why I love Nintendo. Who would hire a bunch of musicians and tell them to make a song inspired by jazz and funk? Genres that have been dead (out of the mainstream) since the 70s and that was only really big among the afro american/latin american community. I rather have music than having a sign that tells me to buy Kei$ha's latest album; *cough*Xbox Live*cough*.


That's one of the things I love about Nintendo. They put charm into everything they do. I actually enjoy just browsing the eShop on the Wii U, and that was something I never did on previous consoles, and that's because of the little touches they put into it. 

I especially like when they change the music up for events like holidays or game launches. Feels very festive.

Yup. I can't wait to hear what kind of music they do next!

I am a Nintendo fanatic.

ARamdomGamer said:

Talking about e-shop music reminds me of this:

This was such a magical moment for me, is like Nintendo puts all these little neat details to make something as boring as a transfer process so fun and unique

This is what I'm talking about! They are creative. :D

I am a Nintendo fanatic.

Doesn't Splatfest start soon? I'm looking forward to it!