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cycycychris said:
Platina said:

Doesn't look unbelievable but I don't really have any expectations for the next starter, unless it's like they way I proposed :p


Someone is having fun spamming party commands :p

Lol, imagine how bad its going to be when 3 people are dead and spamming the over here command(thats the reason they are doing in this video I believe).

You could also do that in Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon online. If you fell on battle, they could revive you, or you could help someone that doesnt know where to go by touching on the map where he has to go.

Dont know if it's the same on FF, and it didnt look like it.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

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Patrick winning is a massive surprise considering the vast majority of my battles were mirror matches. I couldn't contribute much at all, and I'm starting to think the new Splatfest system is to blame. Every Splatfest since has been subpar for me, and it's supposed purpose of putting evenly matched players together is clearly failing so I think they should just do away with it.

Shadow8 said:

No mention of the potential starter leaks for the next pokemon? Then I'll post them. :)

Seem to bee too similar to the supposed names found under copyright last week...

Einsam_Delphin said:

Patrick winning is a massive surprise considering the vast majority of my battles were mirror matches. I couldn't contribute much at all, and I'm starting to think the new Splatfest system is to blame. Every Splatfest since has been subpar for me, and it's supposed purpose of putting evenly matched players together is clearly failing so I think they should just do away with it.

Incoming miiverse jokes.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Just finished Starfox Zero.

Took me around 5 hours. The control scheme became workable over time, but never felt totally natural; I always had to actively think about how to do it, which made the process of playing quite mentally demanding. Which is fine in short bursts, but could get exhausting after about 3 missions, leading me to play in short bursts. Overall, I think building the game around this control scheme was a mistake, but honestly it's not as bad as I was expecting. It's not ideal, but it's not game-ruining either.

Graphics are fine; they're simplistic, but easy to read at a glance. Corneria is the worst looking level, and I think it was a dumb idea to show so much of it pre-launch when the rest of the game looks better. Titania in particular is actually very pretty.

The music isn't as memorable as the first two games in the series, but it still suitably upbeat and nostalgic. The voices coming through the Gamepad were done in a way that emulated the acoustics of a cockpit, which was a really nifty touch.

All in all, Starfox Zero's a bit like a tasty fruitcake with some sour raisins mixed in. There are definitely moments where poor design decisions derail the fun, but I still enjoyed most of my time with it.


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curl-6 said:


Awful game! It should be 80+ to be considered good. You're harsh. :P

I gave it a 7.5/10, but I'm gonna give it a 8/10 now. Because I'm having tons of fun once I learned how to control the vehicles properly. The question is, even if the controls are rewarding and useful when you master it, is it a good "game design"? I'm not sure. I feel like I'm a better pilot now, but I had to work hard. Now I feel like I want to use these controls for the next SF games. They just feel good. 

I'm dissapointed about the side missions, which are recycles basically, and some levels are bland. It doesn't reach the greatness levels of SF64, but I can confidently say that it's the 2nd best SF game. 

Einsam_Delphin said:

Patrick winning is a massive surprise considering the vast majority of my battles were mirror matches. I couldn't contribute much at all, and I'm starting to think the new Splatfest system is to blame. Every Splatfest since has been subpar for me, and it's supposed purpose of putting evenly matched players together is clearly failing so I think they should just do away with it.

Matching people with the same rank definitely makes it more difficult to win, hence my 9 loss streak, though is in part due to having an iffy team :/
I've even thought of making an alt to play during splatfests since they lock you with your rank too

Maybe is a coincidence, but after the new format, I've been taking a lot longer to pair up for matches and have been having a lot of mirror matches

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Volterra_90 said:
curl-6 said:


Awful game! It should be 80+ to be considered good. You're harsh. :P

I gave it a 7.5/10, but I'm gonna give it a 8/10 now. Because I'm having tons of fun once I learned how to control the vehicles properly. The question is, even if the controls are rewarding and useful when you master it, is it a good "game design"? I'm not sure. I feel like I'm a better pilot now, but I had to work hard. Now I feel like I want to use these controls for the next SF games. They just feel good. 

I'm dissapointed about the side missions, which are recycles basically, and some levels are bland. It doesn't reach the greatness levels of SF64, but I can confidently say that it's the 2nd best SF game. 

3rd best for me. SF64 hangs onto second place.

curl-6 said:

3rd best for me. SF64 hangs onto second place.

SNES, I guess? I must be honest, I've never played the game so that could possibly change when I try it.  

Volterra_90 said:
curl-6 said:

3rd best for me. SF64 hangs onto second place.

SNES, I guess? I must be honest, I've never played the game so that could possibly change when I try it.  

Yeah SNES is still #1 for me haha. I think it has the best bosses and soundtrack.