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Forums - Sony Discussion - Konami (Or Sony???) removing uninstalled PT from PS owners library??

Unfortunately, I myself cannot attest to this since I installed PT (but haven't played it yet).  Nonetheless:

P.T. Demo Removed From Library Of PS4 Owners

If you had the P.T. Demo in your library on your PS4 but it wasn’t installed, you’re fresh out of luck: Konami appears to be removing the demo from your library altogether. It was known before that if you didn’t have the demo at all it was going to be removed from the PlayStation Store, but some gamers are finding out that if they didn’t have the demo installed, it was being removed from their library, too.

Crashlanded does a brief piece about the game being removed from PlayStation 4 owners’ libraries if the game isn’t fully installed on the unit.

Crashlanded took a snapshot of their own PS4 unit and showcased a picture of the game’s unavailability from their own library, with a notice saying that the game – even though it’s in their library – cannot be downloaded. Check it out below.

The article also makes a good point about that “all digital future” publishers keep publicly yearning for, writing…

“What it means for digital licenses as a whole with games on the PlayStation Store is more worrying, if publishers can ultimately remove anything you have previously purchased then where is the line truly drawn? I think these kinds of incidents make an all-digital future all the more unlikely.”

This is something that was heavily discussed when Microsoft wanted to introduce their digital-focused Xbox One unit back in 2013 and received a lot of heavy resistance. Incidents like this are reasons why there was such heavy resistance.

No one wants to put the ownership of their digital library in hands of publishers. This is a potential result of that.

There are a few other rare cases where games have been completely removed from digital libraries, such as Order of War, which Valve removed due to gamers being unable to access the title anymore after servers shutdown. It did have a multiplayer and single-player component, but after Square Enix scrubbed the servers clean, making it impossible to play the game, Valve had the title removed from the store and gamers’ libraries.

N4G user johndoe11211 mentioned in the comment section that…

“This is the reality of a digital future. People who keep saying that we still don’t own our physical copies need to wake up and smell the bloody roses. WE OWN OUR PHYSICAL COPIES. If this was on a physical disk there would be NOTHING Konami could do to stop people from playing and sharing this game.

“People who keep championing for a digital future sicken me. They have no vision and understanding of how ruthless and selfish these companies are. They will take away the games you paid hard earned money for in a heartbeat if they figured it would benefit their business. Thank God PT was a demo.I will never support an all digital future. NEVER!!!!!!!”

Gamers have been repeatedly put under pressure from publishers to give up various rights regarding their gaming habits, forcing them to begrudgingly adapt to the new changes or rally up their cries and fight back.

In the case of the P.T. Demo… it was free, so gamers didn’t lose anything from their own expenditure per se. However, this is another mark on the policies of an all digital future that shows that gamers are putting their libraries in the hands of publishers who can yank games away… and there’s nothing gamers can do about it.


PS. I added in the (Or Sony???) because I'm not sure how much control Konami would have over PSN accounts.

Around the Network

We've had enough threads about this

Konami /thread.

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"

Angelus said:
We've had enough threads about this

I didn't see any threads regarding the PT demo being removed from peoples libraries AFTER downloading it.  If it's a duplicate, then by all means, mods please lock.  If it isn't a duplicate, your input is noted.


Angelus said:
We've had enough threads about this


no, we need more BS Gay rights threads


User has been moderated for this post.

- Shinobi-san

Around the Network

That's enough, my friend. It's over.

And wow! I'm not gonna buy games digitally!

This thread is indeed a duplicate:

Can't find the original thread sadly but, yeah. We've had this before.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Its not like those that didnt have it installed would be able to download it

Holy crap, this is like the 20th thread, 2nd today, when will people have enough of this news?

Not installed: you SOL
Installed: Game is still on your PS4

How hard can it be.

Ka-pi96 said:
mornelithe said:

I didn't see any threads regarding the PT demo being removed from peoples libraries AFTER downloading it.  If it's a duplicate, then by all means, mods please lock.  If it isn't a duplicate, your input is noted.

And even with this thread there aren't any. Article cleary says it is only for uninstalled games, which was already done earlier (probably not for the first time either) here

Imagine that, the article clearly states what the title states. 

PS.  Try searching Konami using the search function, let me know when you find original thread.  Because it doesn't show up in the 1st two pages of search results.  So, dry those tears kids, it's only a single duplicate thread.