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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Safe to say the WiiU is worst selling Nintendo home console of all time.

KLXVER said:
JRPGfan said:

"The WiiU has just as many games as the PS4 and XB1. "

Pretty sure the PS4 games library is x2 or x3 of the Wii U one, and growing.

Also if you think in terms of the future..... how long until the next nintendo consol is out, and there are no more Wii U games made? PS4 is going to last, like every other playstation consol before it.

Buying a XB1 or PS4 because of Games, over a Wii U is a valid reason I think.

That doesnt mean the Wii U doesnt also have great games, because it does.

I believe they have about the same amount as of now. There are more announced for the PS4 and XB1 though.

PS4 487 > Wii U 457 so yeah

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oniyide said:
KLXVER said:

I believe they have about the same amount as of now. There are more announced for the PS4 and XB1 though.

PS4 487 > Wii U 457 so yeah

There are even more announced for the PS4. Games like the new COD and AC are not listed on Wikipedia.

KLXVER said:
oniyide said:

PS4 487 > Wii U 457 so yeah

There are even more announced for the PS4. Games like the new COD and AC are not listed on Wikipedia.

yeah it doesnt really paint the WIi u in a better light

oniyide said:
KLXVER said:

There are even more announced for the PS4. Games like the new COD and AC are not listed on Wikipedia.

yeah it doesnt really paint the WIi u in a better light

If quantity is the only thing youre looking for then PC and mobiles would be the way to go...

oniyide said:
Chazore said:

Oh, oh don't forget you're a hero who's lost their powers and their way and has to start from scratch to get back to the top.

There should be a thread on video game tropes on here.

why not throw rescue the Princess for the 10th time up there?

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Turkish said:

The Wii U could've done great. In 2012, many people were getting tired of last gen, thats why when PS4 was announced early 2013 it blew everyone's mind. Had Nintendo capitalized on that before Sony instead with a relatively powerful APU in the system for 299, many graphic fans would've flocked over. Wii U would've been assured of 3rd party games because it would be powerful enough and get support from engines like UE4.

But no, Nintendo (and Microsoft) thought there still was a market for motion gimmicks. Seems like everyone who deviate too much from traditional gaming with consoles burn hard.

If you remember the WiU pre-launch, it was assured 3rd party games, by enthusiastic publishers who were excited for the new hardware.


radha said:
KLXVER said:

Not really, mostly just realistic kinda games...


Se how stupid that sounds?

So little big planet and borderlands are realistic looking? you are confusing non realistic looking with cell shaded, nintendo only does cell shaded games to hide the lack of LOD their games have. LBP for example is a nintendo like game, so is ratchet and clank, and for the PS4 there is nack. Where is the GTA type of game that the Wii U has?

LEGO City Undercover


oniyide said:
KLXVER said:

Thanks for the explanation as to why...

people arent spending hundreds of dollars to NOT play games. I dotn know why i even have to explain that, look at the software sales for the current gen, its not too shabby at least as far as PS4 and xone goes. Hell even the remasters are selling

Do you really believe that? A fool and his money are soon parted.

Anecdotal, but two of my housemates (one a massive PS fan, the other just a fan of gaming) bought PS4's at launch. Months later, they were rarely used (we all played my WiiU) and one even said "why did I buy this?". He has snce bought Far Cry 4 and GTA V to justify the purchase, whereas he would have bought Far Cry 4 on PC had he no PS4, and he bought GTA V for PC as well anyway.

mysteryman said:


Turkish said:

The Wii U could've done great. In 2012, many people were getting tired of last gen, thats why when PS4 was announced early 2013 it blew everyone's mind. Had Nintendo capitalized on that before Sony instead with a relatively powerful APU in the system for 299, many graphic fans would've flocked over. Wii U would've been assured of 3rd party games because it would be powerful enough and get support from engines like UE4.

But no, Nintendo (and Microsoft) thought there still was a market for motion gimmicks. Seems like everyone who deviate too much from traditional gaming with consoles burn hard.

If you remember the WiU pre-launch, it was assured 3rd party games, by enthusiastic publishers who were excited for the new hardware.


radha said:
KLXVER said:

Not really, mostly just realistic kinda games...


Se how stupid that sounds?

So little big planet and borderlands are realistic looking? you are confusing non realistic looking with cell shaded, nintendo only does cell shaded games to hide the lack of LOD their games have. LBP for example is a nintendo like game, so is ratchet and clank, and for the PS4 there is nack. Where is the GTA type of game that the Wii U has?

LEGO City Undercover


oniyide said:
KLXVER said:

Thanks for the explanation as to why...

people arent spending hundreds of dollars to NOT play games. I dotn know why i even have to explain that, look at the software sales for the current gen, its not too shabby at least as far as PS4 and xone goes. Hell even the remasters are selling

Do you really believe that? A fool and his money are soon parted.

Anecdotal, but two of my housemates (one a massive PS fan, the other just a fan of gaming) bought PS4's at launch. Months later, they were rarely used (we all played my WiiU) and one even said "why did I buy this?". He has snce bought Far Cry 4 and GTA V to justify the purchase, whereas he would have bought Far Cry 4 on PC had he no PS4, and he bought GTA V for PC as well anyway.

My aunt got a Wii and got Wii Fit and literally nothing else. See we could do this all day. Problem with that is its anecdotal so does really provide much if any evidence, what does is numbers and software numbers heavily favor PS4, to a lesser extent ONE and not so much Wii U

oniyide said:

My aunt got a Wii and got Wii Fit and literally nothing else. See we could do this all day. Problem with that is its anecdotal so does really provide much if any evidence, what does is numbers and software numbers heavily favor PS4, to a lesser extent ONE and not so much Wii U

Wii U has a higher software attach ratio than the PS4 and xbone.

padib said:
oniyide said:

why are there even downward curves at ALL on that system? the only game that actually increased way Raving Rabbids if im not mistaken. Compare to the competition there libraries are much more even in that regard. As sequels do better half the time. (COD, AC just off the top of my head)

So you finally agree with me then? ;)

Not at all, I still stand by my initial point. Ninty alone isnt enough to sell a home console to respectable levels, WIi U is proving that.

Samus Aran said:
oniyide said:

My aunt got a Wii and got Wii Fit and literally nothing else. See we could do this all day. Problem with that is its anecdotal so does really provide much if any evidence, what does is numbers and software numbers heavily favor PS4, to a lesser extent ONE and not so much Wii U

Wii U has a higher software attach ratio than the PS4 and xbone.

which means what exactly? is that really a good thing? Its not really helping the console do well which is what this is about isnt it? and a few games selling really well versus all others doing poorly is not really great, much better to have games do good all around as it creates a healthty library and encourages companies to develop for the system but thats just me.