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Forums - PC Discussion - AMD Info! HBM-equipped Radeon this quarter! Zen CPU architecture in 2016

If those prices are real I will be amazed.

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In today's episode of "When the f*ck will AMD launch its next cards?" we have more leaks, both new and old benchmarks (real or fake, I don't know) and MSI.

1-MSI teases its Fiji card

You can tell it's a MSI card because the shroud seems to be a bit rounder on the edges (compare it to the previous image) and because it has the MSI logo on the bracket.

2-AMD Radeon 300 Series Graphics Roadmap (2014-2015) Leaked

A few things to note from the article:

"We can clearly see this slide has different fonts than other official slides we used to see from AMD. In fact, I can’t remember AMD using Arial and Open Sans."

With that in mind, everything else is questionable, but we can see the codename of the new cards

  • Fiji (new)
  • Grenada (previously known as Hawaii)
  • Antigua (previously known as Tonga)
  • Trinidad (previously known as Curacao or Pitcairn)
  • Tobago (previously known as Bonaire)
  • Oland (unchanged)

Also: "The slide however does not mention ‘Fury‘ branding in any place. It also seems that entry-level parts (R7 350/340) could be exclusive to OEMs, while keeping retail channel simplified and easy to follow."

Also, note that the slide seem to point that the two Fiji cards will launch a bit later than the rest of the 3xx series. That goes along the rumor about the 3xx series launching on the 18th with the Fiji cards launching on the 24th.


I'm affraid that this is technical stuff that only a few (possibly only Tachi), will understand and will be able to use to take conclusions.

Anyway, a few months ago a SiSoft benchmark was leaked with what looked to be the new AMD card, but as far as I can remember no one could verify or refute them, but it was the first time we had some numbers to make guesses like how many CUs could it have and how many SPs: 64CU and 4096SP. This was that benchmark:

Now a new benchmark from compubench, that measures OpenCL performance, has been leaked, verifying some of the tech aspects of the firt benchmark, namely the 64CUs and 4096SP.

The only thing I get from them is that Fiji is faster than TitanX on some tests and slower than even a GTX 980 (non Ti) on others.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Ok, take the following with as much salt as you can get. Remember that despite what their claims, this is only another rumor, nothing more and nothing else.


"Let’s briefly discuss the differences between Fury X and Fury. Both cards feature AMD’s brand new Fiji GPU and stacked High Bandwidth Memory technology. Fury X will be AMD’s highest end offering, the Radeon flagship. The card is based on Fiji XT, the fully unlocked variant of the Fiji GPU. Fury is also based on Fiji silicon, however it will be powered by Fiji Pro a slightly less powerful variant with a few GCN compute units disabled. So in essence the relationship between Fury X and Fury is quite similar to the one between the R9 290X and R9 290 or the HD 7970 and HD 7950."

"Another difference, we’re told, is that Fury X will come with both water cooled and air cooled reference designs. Fury on the other hand will only feature an air cooled reference design...
...we’ve been told that AMD’s reference air cooler for Fury X and Fury is actually quite beefy. And will keep the chips cool even with an overclock. The cooler features three axial fans blowing air onto a large heatsink."

And remember:

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

$549, what about the rest?, I want to take just a pinch but I;m going to need a truckload of salt at this point, it doesn't look like prices will bode well.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Oh those numbers look damn good even if super salty. Am more interested in mid range cards that offer great value for money and play the games well at 1080. Am sure these super powerful cards are really overkill at that resolution. 

I mean look what happened to GTX 780. Such an expensive card and now being out performed by 960. I think for Witcher 3 at unknown settings. 

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Chazore said:
$549, what about the rest?, I want to take just a pinch but I;m going to need a truckload of salt at this point, it doesn't look like prices will bode well.

That's the launch price of the 290X, the only price that we know. The rest are still guesses.


@green_sky: Nvidia said that their last drivers had a bug (or several) that crippled the performance of all Kepler based cards. They launched a patch last week, but I don't know if someone has redone the tests to see if that worked. We'll know for sure when AMD launches its cards and we have reviews with the latest drivers.


Also, courtesy of Megatron

Sleek tube sleeving and nice integration of fan, pump and what looks like a small reservoir. If it's real, of course.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:
Chazore said:
$549, what about the rest?, I want to take just a pinch but I;m going to need a truckload of salt at this point, it doesn't look like prices will bode well.

That's the launch price of the 290X, the only price that we know. The rest are still guesses.


@green_sky: Nvidia said that their last drivers had a bug (or several) that crippled the performance of all Kepler based cards. They launched a patch last week, but I don't know if someone has redone the tests to see if that worked. We'll know for sure when AMD launches its cards and we have reviews with the latest drivers.


Also, courtesy of Megatron

Sleek tube sleeving and nice integration of fan, pump and what looks like a small reservoir. If it's real, of course.

Hopefully the others will be a bit cheaper, it would certainly give them more of an edge.


Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
JEMC said:
Chazore said:
$549, what about the rest?, I want to take just a pinch but I;m going to need a truckload of salt at this point, it doesn't look like prices will bode well.

That's the launch price of the 290X, the only price that we know. The rest are still guesses.

Hopefully the others will be a bit cheaper, it would certainly give them more of an edge.

Well, let's make a guess (after all, we only have rumors so why not speculate a bit?).

A few days ago I posted a rumor about Fury being slower than both TitanX and 980Ti. Now, what if that rumor is true... but only for Fury, and not Fury XT?

Think about it, the "little" Fiji Pro, the one that need tweaking, ends up being a little slower than 980Ti or just thereabouts. To market it accordingly, AMD will have to price it lower than the 980Ti, for example $599. Then the big Fiji, with better performance than TitanX (if old rumors are true), would be something like $899.

It could be something like this (I'll use the leaked price list that  I posted two days ago)

Fiji XT W/C_ $899
Fiji XT_$799 
Fiji Pro_ $599
R9 390X_ $399
R9 390_ $329
R9 380X_ $249
R9 380_ $195
R7 370_ $135
R7 360_ $107

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

Well, let's make a guess (after all, we only have rumors so why not speculate a bit?).

A few days ago I posted a rumor about Fury being slower than both TitanX and 980Ti. Now, what if that rumor is true... but only for Fury, and not Fury XT?

Think about it, the "little" Fiji Pro, the one that need tweaking, ends up being a little slower than 980Ti or just thereabouts. To market it accordingly, AMD will have to price it lower than the 980Ti, for example $599. Then the big Fiji, with better performance than TitanX (if old rumors are true), would be something like $899.

It could be something like this (I'll use the leaked price list that  I posted two days ago)

Fiji XT W/C_ $899
Fiji XT_$799 
Fiji Pro_ $599
R9 390X_ $399
R9 390_ $329
R9 380X_ $249
R9 380_ $195
R7 370_ $135
R7 360_ $107

So the Fiji pro would be around £386.72 which sounds pretty fair compared to the price of the 980ti and most likely the slight price drop on the regular 980 (friend told me the drop isn't going to be that much drastically).

If this is all true then it looks like I might actually be holding out for an AMD card for the first time, I mean I want power more than anything but I'm not willing to spend more than around £450, that's my absolute max until I get a job that pays me much higher wages where I wouldn't need to even worry about dropping £700-1000+.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
JEMC said:

Well, let's make a guess (after all, we only have rumors so why not speculate a bit?).

A few days ago I posted a rumor about Fury being slower than both TitanX and 980Ti. Now, what if that rumor is true... but only for Fury, and not Fury XT?

Think about it, the "little" Fiji Pro, the one that need tweaking, ends up being a little slower than 980Ti or just thereabouts. To market it accordingly, AMD will have to price it lower than the 980Ti, for example $599. Then the big Fiji, with better performance than TitanX (if old rumors are true), would be something like $899.

It could be something like this (I'll use the leaked price list that  I posted two days ago)

Fiji XT W/C_ $899
Fiji XT_$799 
Fiji Pro_ $599
R9 390X_ $399
R9 390_ $329
R9 380X_ $249
R9 380_ $195
R7 370_ $135
R7 360_ $107

So the Fiji pro would be around £386.72 which sounds pretty fair compared to the price of the 980ti and most likely the slight price drop on the regular 980 (friend told me the drop isn't going to be that much drastically).

If this is all true then it looks like I might actually be holding out for an AMD card for the first time, I mean I want power more than anything but I'm not willing to spend more than around £450, that's my absolute max until I get a job that pays me much higher wages where I wouldn't need to even worry about dropping £700-1000+.

Don't get carried away, that this is only my speculation!

And didn't the GTX 980 got a price drop of $100 to $499? I thought I read that somewhere.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.