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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 rumors, news and leaks thread! Fallout 4 ... TODAY!!


What are you most excited to see at Sony's E3?

Guerrilla Games New IP 9 60.00%
Uncharted 4 2 13.33%
Level 5 new PS4 game 1 6.67%
Sony Bend's New IP 1 6.67%
Media Molecule's New IP 1 6.67%
Project Morpheus 0 0%
Quantic Dream new IP 0 0%
No Man's Sky 0 0%
The last... haha JK. GT7 1 6.67%
See Results 0 0%

Why do people brag about X1 getting 1 Tb XB1 and mock's the Ps4 for having 500gb? It's like they have forgotten that the Ps4 hard-drive is replacable.


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90

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Baryonyx said:
Why do people brag about X1 getting 1 Tb XB1 and mock's the Ps4 for having 500gb? It's like they have forgotten that the Ps4 hard-drive is replacable.

Lol are you serious? New console owners will have more memory and we really need it.

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"

So buy a 3TB Hard-drive or a 2TB SSHD drive, if you want a faster memory load go with 1TBSSD Drive. It's called option's and it's good silly. And when sony comes out with a External hard-drive, you can add the external TB with the existing one that you bought for the Ps4, which already got 3TB. The problem i had is that they are shoving it in our face as if the Ps4 can never have more then 500gb. It's replacable and you can't beat free options.


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90

Rumours seem to have died down a bit. Hope they start up again soon, this time of year is boring without them.

The poll is weird......Guerilla Games isn't exactly Sony's best horse in the stable. To me, the studio has been graphics over gameplay for years.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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DerNebel said:
Turkish said:
"MS realises that runner up medals don't please investors. Or publishers. "

WOW what a rumor, what a leak!

Can I also be a insider? LA will be hot in June, there I said it, now wait til next month.


You have to look more at the implications of this ;)

Sounds to me like third parties want to rather associate themselves with the marketleader and thus are more reluctant to sign marketing deals with MS, meaning MS' first party focus is less than voluntarily.

Also it sounds like MS is going to go all out still looking at a marketleader position this gen.

"Also it sounds like MS is going to go all out still looking at a marketleader position this gen."*

* = North America

:P MS has no illusions they will take Europe or japan.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


shikamaru317 said:
sales2099 said:

The poll is weird......Guerilla Games isn't exactly Sony's best horse in the stable. To me, the studio has been graphics over gameplay for years.

Their new IP does have some promising concept art though, and it's rumored to be an RPG, which is something new for them. I'd say it's my most anticipated Sony announcement, but not my most anticipated E3 announcement overall (that honor goes to Fallout 4).

It better be an RPG or action adventure game. If it turns out to be a linear corridor game ill lose it...... The order had an interseting setting that could've been so much more, please don't let me down again sony.

sales2099 said:

The poll is weird......Guerilla Games isn't exactly Sony's best horse in the stable. To me, the studio has been graphics over gameplay for years.

The studio has first and foremost been locked into the dead-end franchise that is Killzone for years. People are, or I am at least, excited to see where they can go with the possibility to try out a new IP and genre, they are still a talented studio (they've created a 90+ metacritic game after all) but I suspect that they are quite burned out on Killzone themselves, so maybe this new game will be a way for them to find their creativity again, that for me is a good reason to look forward to what they are doing.

My most anticipated game is Xenoblade Chronicles X, but since the game has been launched in Japan and all what Nintendo could tell is when they will launch it in US, I've voted for the game that I want to know more about: Mass Effect 4.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Blob said:
shikamaru317 said:
sales2099 said:

The poll is weird......Guerilla Games isn't exactly Sony's best horse in the stable. To me, the studio has been graphics over gameplay for years.

Their new IP does have some promising concept art though, and it's rumored to be an RPG, which is something new for them. I'd say it's my most anticipated Sony announcement, but not my most anticipated E3 announcement overall (that honor goes to Fallout 4).

It better be an RPG or action adventure game. If it turns out to be a linear corridor game ill lose it...... The order had an interseting setting that could've been so much more, please don't let me down again sony.

GG have hinted it was an open world game before. and shinobi said its an open world RPG