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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Xenoblade Chronicles X "Story Trailer"

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Well considering I didn't understand a word of that, that didn't do anything for me beyond what we already know about the game.

alternine said:
Im not saying the game is bad. I just hope people are keeping their expectations in check.

No kidding, after seeing a 34/40 on Famitsu I think this one is a stinker....

Also the fact that the graphics look so bad is a clear indication of a low quality game. But people would praise anything that has the Nintendo logo on it, am I right?

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

It wouldn't be an XCX thread without alternine downplaying it.

I need this now!

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I got a stiffy over Elma. Those character models are the best thing since slice bread

alternine said:
uran10 said:

Yes he must! "Nintendo's got a good looking JRPG game?! I must downplay!" atleast that's how I see it.

Lol calm down buddy. Im allowed to state my opinion. 

In my opinion CoD is just a generic shooter, but I don't have the need to go in every CoD thread to say that

Click HERE and be happy 

Can't wait

Anfebious said:
alternine said:
Im not saying the game is bad. I just hope people are keeping their expectations in check.

No kidding, after seeing a 34/40 on Famitsu I think this one is a stinker....

Also the fact that the graphics look so bad is a clear indication of a low quality game. But people would praise anything that has the Nintendo logo on it, am I right?

sorry for the dumb question... but are you for real?

This trailer is SEX.