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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Star Wars: Battlefront Aiming for 60fps, Will Have Destruction Where Appropriate

I'm very dissapointed with the Battlefront news... No space battles? No campaign? No Galactic Conquest? I don't get it. I hope they won't try to sell this modes as DLCs later...

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Wow people are so pessimistic. None of this has dimmed my excitement, those literally wanting all the content from Battlefront 2 but in glorious graphics should remember that battlefront 2 was built on top of battlefront 1's assets, unlike this game which is presumably being adapted from the Battlefied engine. Also BF1/2 loose controls and gameplay would translate like shit in 2015 lol

We can either get what they're working towards and can achieve in 2 and half years of work, or we can wait till fall 2017/spring 2018 for them to tick every box of your checklist. I just want to a play a great starwars game to be honest, I will judge it on what it delivers and whether that feels fufilling, not against what is in my wish list

teigaga said:
Wow people are so pessimistic. None of this has dimmed my excitement, those literally wanting all the content from Battlefront 2 but in glorious graphics should remember that battlefront 2 was built on top of battlefront 1's assets, unlike this game which is presumably being adapted from the Battlefied engine. Also BF1/2 loose controls and gameplay would translate like shit in 2015 lol

We can either get what they're working towards and can achieve in 2 and half years of work, or we can wait till fall 2017/spring 2018 for them to tick every box of your checklist. I just want to a play a great starwars game to be honest, I will judge it on what it delivers and whether that feels fufilling, not against what is in my wish list

The first paragraph sounds like you feel attacked and thus need to defend the game, it;s not even out yet and we haven't fully seen actual gameplay but none the less I'll point you to Jim Sterling's view on battlefront and the cynicism:

You make it sound like we're asking for the world though, I find we aren't, we simply just want what the previous games had, building on your existing franchise and making it more and more action packed and filled with great content is what we should be aiming for, instead what we're seeing is content being cut out and cut back and obviously right now we've got people doing PR for them by defending such changes and cutbacks like it's mortally impossible to ever achieve the results from the past on hardware from today's standards is weaker.

I too want to play a new Star Wars game, I enjoyed TFU and TFU II for what they were, they were good but not ball park amazing, battlefront 2 back then was amazing, this game looks ok but doesn't scream battlefront to me and I know I;m not the only one feeling this, you don't feel detered because you're showing us that you aren't really bothered what they do, you just need a quick fix and a quick impression rather than a long good quality fix and longer lasting impression and that's fine for you but for some of us it's simply not, that's why we all have different expectations and standards, just because yours aren't in line with ours doesn't make us wrong or asking for the unievrse that they can never deliver.

I'll be waiting to see what becomes of it, I've more or less stopped buyign games on launch day for the past 3 years so seeing how this turns out won't really make me crack down, I'll most likely be watching folks like TB and Jim Sterling to see how it turns out.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
teigaga said:
Wow people are so pessimistic. None of this has dimmed my excitement, those literally wanting all the content from Battlefront 2 but in glorious graphics should remember that battlefront 2 was built on top of battlefront 1's assets, unlike this game which is presumably being adapted from the Battlefied engine. Also BF1/2 loose controls and gameplay would translate like shit in 2015 lol

We can either get what they're working towards and can achieve in 2 and half years of work, or we can wait till fall 2017/spring 2018 for them to tick every box of your checklist. I just want to a play a great starwars game to be honest, I will judge it on what it delivers and whether that feels fufilling, not against what is in my wish list

The first paragraph sounds like you feel attacked and thus need to defend the game, it;s not even out yet and we haven't fully seen actual gameplay but none the less I'll point you to Jim Sterling's view on battlefront and the cynicism:

You make it sound like we're asking for the world though, I find we aren't, we simply just want what the previous games had, building on your existing franchise and making it more and more action packed and filled with great content is what we should be aiming for, instead what we're seeing is content being cut out and cut back and obviously right now we've got people doing PR for them by defending such changes and cutbacks like it's mortally impossible to ever achieve the results from the past on hardware from today's standards is weaker.

I too want to play a new Star Wars game, I enjoyed TFU and TFU II for what they were, they were good but not ball park amazing, battlefront 2 back then was amazing, this game looks ok but doesn't scream battlefront to me and I know I;m not the only one feeling this, you don't feel detered because you're showing us that you aren't really bothered what they do, you just need a quick fix and a quick impression rather than a long good quality fix and longer lasting impression and that's fine for you but for some of us it's simply not, that's why we all have different expectations and standards, just because yours aren't in line with ours doesn't make us wrong or asking for the unievrse that they can never deliver.

I'll be waiting to see what becomes of it, I've more or less stopped buyign games on launch day for the past 3 years so seeing how this turns out won't really make me crack down, I'll most likely be watching folks like TB and Jim Sterling to see how it turns out.

I'm saying I don't feel deterred because I'm going to judge the game on how enjoyable it looks based on trailers/gameplay, sounds based on previews/reviews and plays when I do eventually get my hands on it. Dissapointment at it lacking a certain feature is understandable (space battles), my sentiment wasn't that no one can criticise the game, its that people are being overly pessimistic. When people are saying this game looks like a Turd and F*ck Dice, they essentially basing quality on arbituary assets which don't really reflect on what the game may deliver. We haven't even seen the gameplay in action. 

It could very well be that without Space battles this game shits all over the previous one, as I stressed gameplay standards have changed and more needs to go into providing a tactile/responsive experience that feels immersive and empowering. I'd happily take quality of quantity. I'm also touching on the reality that this game was made to coincide with the new film, if they had a 3/4 year developement cycle or 1000 employees like AC then maybe I would be a bit more cynical, but looking at the likely reality I'm happy to get the game this fall as long as it validates a $60 pricetag. I will take that over waiting another year for any additional content which would merely be a bonus to a hopefully great experience.

Essentially my point is I'm going to wait and see, none of whats been offered gives us any incite into the quality of the game. For me personally that trailer inspired so much excitement because the extent to which they captures the feel of the universe, something the previous games never did  as well despite their space battles etc. My main concern is whether it offers a satisfying offline experience as someone who doesn't game online a ton but used to play BF2 with my sibling in local gameplay, thats the type of thing that for me will determine my enjoyment. if someone else enjoyment is determined by space battles or destructible environments then fair enough.

Also I don't recall Starwars ever being big on destructible environments. Spaceships and vehicles don't coun't as environments (unless we're talking interiors)

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generic-user-1 said:
Eddie_Raja said:
Chazore said:
torok said:
Chazore said:

very strong materials =P


Come on, the Death Star is super strong, except by a very specific 1m hole that would make the entire thing explode if someone with a X-wing shot it! Talk about design flaws.

And lets not forget about Endor, the frigate and capital ships in the prequels and original series, the AT-AT's, Tie fighters being weaker than X-Wings despite the Empire having unlimited funds compared to the small Rebel army tech.

They had to pretend the empire's stuff was weaker because otherwise the Rebels never would have won.  Hollywood loves the idea of a rag-tag group beating a larger/stronger military force even though that never has happened in real life.

Well they explain it in teh rest of star wars media and the games.  The empire look a lot scaryer than it was and teh rebels were a lot stronger and ha better tech because some important planets were on their side.

LOL either they are rebels or their not.  I wouldn't call a unification of major nations a "Rebel" alliance.  They are just a straight up alliance.

I also find it weird that an empire with enough money to build a planet destroying laser can't afford better armor or the ability to find other "Important Planets."  There is a whole galaxy of stuff out there!

Prediction for console Lifetime sales:

Wii:100-120 million, PS3:80-110 million, 360:70-100 million

[Prediction Made 11/5/2009]

3DS: 65m, PSV: 22m, Wii U: 18-22m, PS4: 80-120m, X1: 35-55m

I gauruntee the PS5 comes out after only 5-6 years after the launch of the PS4.

[Prediction Made 6/18/2014]

I hope they also aim for less than 10 bugs.



teigaga said:

I'm saying I don't feel deterred because I'm going to judge the game on how enjoyable it looks based on trailers/gameplay, sounds based on previews/reviews and plays when I do eventually get my hands on it. Dissapointment at it lacking a certain feature is understandable (space battles), my sentiment wasn't that no one can criticise the game, its that people are being overly pessimistic. When people are saying this game looks like a Turd and F*ck Dice, they essentially basing quality on arbituary assets which don't really reflect on what the game may deliver. We haven't even seen the gameplay in action. 

It could very well be that without Space battles this game shits all over the previous one, as I stressed gameplay standards have changed and more needs to go into providing a tactile/responsive experience that feels immersive and empowering. I'd happily take quality of quantity. I'm also touching on the reality that this game was made to coincide with the new film, if they had a 3/4 year developement cycle or 1000 employees like AC then maybe I would be a bit more cynical, but looking at the likely reality I'm happy to get the game this fall as long as it validates a $60 pricetag. I will take that over waiting another year for any additional content which would merely be a bonus to a hopefully great experience.

Essentially my point is I'm going to wait and see, none of whats been offered gives us any incite into the quality of the game. For me personally that trailer inspired so much excitement because the extent to which they captures the feel of the universe, something the previous games never did  as well despite their space battles etc. My main concern is whether it offers a satisfying offline experience as someone who doesn't game online a ton but used to play BF2 with my sibling in local gameplay, thats the type of thing that for me will determine my enjoyment. if someone else enjoyment is determined by space battles or destructible environments then fair enough.

they cut important features. and the scale of the battle is smaller than in the last one, just 40 persons in mp is weak. no mod support is realy bad and they no Galactic conquest mode is bad too.  and that the AT-ATs are on rails is just a joke.  its a big step backwards and it kills all hopes for a real Battlefront with all the great features the old ones had.

The hardware performance of this generation has been uniquely disappointing. When I bought the Wii U I didn't expect it to be capable of 1080p 60 fps etc with multi-plats (though it's perfectly capable of looking gorgeous), but I sure as heck expected more from the PS4 (one I went with) and Xbox1. That they so routinely cannot achieve 1080p or 60 fps seems rather ridiculous given their boasts a couple years ago.

This feels more like generation 7.5

I like how it says 'aiming' for 60fps rather than 'will be' 60fps.

I like the sound of destructible environments though.

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