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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Return Of Jrpg's??

sc94597 said:
Tootylicious said:
sc94597 said:
What is interesting is that Japanese developers are making a huge portion of these console JRPG's cross-generation.

Shouldn't really be surprising since Sony just sold over a million PS4s in Japan.

The surprising thing (or maybe the unsurprising thing) is that they aren't current gen exclusives. 

These businesses want to make money. It's not their job to sell consoles for Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft. In a genre that is often called "struggling" I don't blame them here. Choosing to put their title on solely the PS4 could turn out badly.

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Ka-pi96 said:
JRPGfan said:
Persona 5 will be turned based.
Theres bound (hopefully) to be more.

It had better be. Or... RIOT!

In the trailer theres a tiny bit of gameplay video... some of it shows the turn system.

So no need to riot :)

Sensui said:
Chris Hu said:
Overall there still be a lot less this generation then there where last generation. Also I doubt there will be a great turn based one like Lost Odyssey this generation.

^This 100%. JRPG's are getting so much love this gen but we won't be seeing any like Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. I'll always prefer turn based and it makes me sad to see japenese devs moving away from traditional turn based.

*gives Sensui a hug*

I feel the same way, turn based rpgs are more often than not, much much better than action ones.

JRPGfan said:
Sensui said:

^This 100%. JRPG's are getting so much love this gen but we won't be seeing any like Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. I'll always prefer turn based and it makes me sad to see japenese devs moving away from traditional turn based.

*gives Sensui a hug*

I feel the same way, turn based rpgs are more often than not, much much better than action ones.

And the RPG's that are neither turn-based nor action? (Not all real-time RPG's are Action RPGs.) 

Hiku said:
Give me a new Suikoden, Breath of Fire and Shadow Hearts plz!

I agree on Suikoden and Breath of fire. I would like to see some sequels to Growlanser, Grandia, Legaia, Wild Arms, Xenogears, Nocturne, Dark Cloud, Arc The Lad, Summoner, Nier, Valkryia Chronicles and KOTOR on the ps4.

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Hiku said:
Aeolus451 said:
Hiku said:
Give me a new Suikoden, Breath of Fire and Shadow Hearts plz!

I agree on Suikoden and Breath of fire. I would like to see some sequels to Growlanser, Grandia, Legaia, Wild Arms, Xenogears, Nocturne, Dark Cloud, Arc The Lad, Summoner, Nier, Valkryia Chronicles and KOTOR on the ps4.

By Nocturne, do you mean Shin megami Tensei: Nocturne (SMT III)? There is a Shin Megami Tensei IV on 3DS.

Yes but I'm excluding hand held games from it. They would have to port or remaster it. 

BraLoD said:
DakonBlackblade said:
Whats suposed to be a "Sony Final Fantasy Killer" ?


Not a killer, a competitor though.

Didn't worked as planned. Almost 2M sales, sure they wanted like 5M.

Are we still hopping a LoD sequel will be revealed ? I know youre a fan, I also love the game but at this point in time the ship has sailed there wont be a sequel.

Nippon ichi started a countdown for a new game (i know, it wouldn't be something big) but maybe a new ps4 rpg...

JRPG's were dead this whole time?, I could have sworn they were alive and kicking, it;s good that some JRPG's are making their way to PC since PC hardly got much JRPG love for years and now they're coming to places like Steam it's a good chance to make a new fanbase and more money.

Square trolled me with SO's reveal info which for them is a loss, there's still other JRPG's coming to my platform of choice for me to buy though.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
JRPG's were dead this whole time?, I could have sworn they were alive and kicking, it;s good that some JRPG's are making their way to PC since PC hardly got much JRPG love for years and now they're coming to places like Steam it's a good chance to make a new fanbase and more money.

Square trolled me with SO's reveal info which for them is a loss, there's still other JRPG's coming to my platform of choice for me to buy though.

The high profile JRPGs were pretty much gone, we were only getting smaler very niche titles, most of wich werent even getting a US localization anymore.