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Forums - Sony Discussion - XBO > PS4 LifeTime in the US or Wii U > PS4 LifeTime in Japan?


What is more probabily

XBO > PS4 LT in US 36 14.06%
Wii U > PS4 LT in JP 28 10.94%
Stop Ryng, enjoy PS4 domination. :D 192 75.00%

Not too sure, but going on a whim for now, neither. Unless Microsoft produces galaxy buster after galaxy buster every year in the holiday season like it did last year, they will be unable to catch up to the PS4, which in turn, will cause the lead to increase. As for Japan, Sony still has some tricks up its sleeve, not to mention more 3rd party Japanese support this year. That being said, the PS4 should be able to surpass the Wii U in LT sales.

Like I said, this is only a whim. I know VGChartz numbers are not accurate, but they do give a solid indication of total sales. Until the site gets updated into April, I cannot say for sure.

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PS4 > Wii U in Japan as PS4 will get more support from 3rd parties. PS4 > X1 in USA as alot of 360 players already jumped ship and it's only a matter of time before all their friends do as well.

Hiku said:
thismeintiel said:
I doubt either will happen, but Wii U ahead in Japan is much more likely. It already has a ~1M lead, and while weekly sales are higher for the PS4, it's still going to take awhile for it to pass the Wii U. 

Consider the situation. WiiU has that lead after already releasing most of their main games, and after a price cut. PS4 has yet to even release one of its main big games (Bloodborne as well recieved as it is, is not one of those games), and has not recieved a price cut yet. WiiU doesn't have much left to throw at the PS4 going forward, while PS4 not only has pretty much every card left to play, but the console will get a lot more games than WiiU over the years.

That's why I said I doubt it will stay ahead.  But, looking at those two choices as things stand, now, the Wii U staying ahead of the PS4 in Japan has a much better chance of happening than XBO all of a sudden claiming US.  The Wii U is already ahead.  And with the state of console gaming like it is in Japan, and the Wii U still having a price cut or two left, with maybe a couple of big games on the way (if they don't move to NX), it's going to take the PS4 probably another year or so to overtake it. Which I think will 100% happen.

The XBO, on the other hand, has to overcome a gap.  It hasn't even started started outselling the PS4.  The gap just continues to grow, and with a PS4 price cut on the way, things are going to start looking worse.  That's why I think it's foolish to say that the XBO has a better chance of passing the PS4 in the US.

Is more probabily Wii U above PS4 in JP

Neither is more probable.

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X1 above PS4 in US

Japan hate the Wii U whereas X1 is not far behind PS4 and may actually outsell it throughout Q4. If sony mess up and MS don't that momentum may carry into 2016. Unlikely but more probable then Wii U magically doing well enough to keep the PS4 at bay which is outselling it significantly with only one major exclusive (bloodborne). By time of Persona 5, Tekken 7, MSGV, Gundam, FInal Fantasy XV,Deep Down and Street Fighter 5, the PS4 will have overtaken the Wii U and there will be no chance of return.

Hiku said:
thismeintiel said:

That's why I said I doubt it will stay ahead.  But, looking at those two choices as things stand, now, the Wii U staying ahead of the PS4 in Japan has a much better chance of happening than XBO all of a sudden claiming US.  The Wii U is already ahead.  And with the state of console gaming like it is in Japan, and the Wii U still having a price cut or two left, with maybe a couple of big games on the way (if they don't move to NX), it's going to take the PS4 probably another year or so to overtake it. Which I think will 100% happen.

The XBO, on the other hand, has to overcome a gap.  It hasn't even started started outselling the PS4.  The gap just continues to grow, and with a PS4 price cut on the way, things are going to start looking worse.  That's why I think it's foolish to say that the XBO has a better chance of passing the PS4 in the US.

Yeah, as things stand now, I don't think WiiU has a realistic chance of finishing ahead of PS4 in Japan.
The thing about Xbox in USA though is that we've seen that Microsoft are willing to burn piles of cash to stay competetive with the PS4. So the situation is kind of in their hands there. It just depends on how much more they're willing to continue spending to try to beat PS4. I don't think Nintendo will go this rout as they're fighting a much larger uphill battle with the huge lack of third party support. It's just not worth it at this point.
Microsoft will keep trying, but personally I think they'll reach a point where they no longer find it worthwhile, because people clearly prefer the PS4, and that's apparently very hard/costly for MS to combat.

Ok, if you don't think that Wii U have a realistic chance for outsell PS4 in Japan, why do you think that XBO have even just a little chance in the hell?

XBO have more exclusive than PS4, XBO cost less than PS4 (and only 50$ more than Wii U, maybe the people forgot this), and the price is dropped by 150$ in the first year VS PS4 withouth sistem seller and still at 400$... result: PS4 beat XBO by a huge margin.


The situation is equal.

Both Wii U and XBO cost less than PS4, and have more sistem seller.


"XBO is comtetitive during the holidey", Wii U not?

Wii U sold nearly 500,000 during the holidey 2013, that is more than double of the PS4 sales in the holiday 2014... and even the holiday 2014, the sales between Wii U and PS4 is equal, PS4 won just the week of the limited of Dragon Quest... also, Wii U outsold PS4 for all of summer, that is never happen with XBO, outsold by PS4 by 60,000 in the Titanfall month and by 70,000 in the pricedrop month...


IMO, i don't want say that Wii U have more possibility to outsold PS4 than XBO, but fuck, say that Wii U have not chance and XBO yes?


Nope, just nope...

As many here have already said X1 above PS4 in US is more likely due to MS aggressive strategies (cutting down price over and over again, doing bundles with two or more games, buying timed exclusivity for big games and doing crazy disscounts), but again as many have said i dont belive either of them will outsell the PS4 in their respective regions.

PS4 still has cards to play on the US like Price cuts and all of its big games that havent been released yet, aside from that the PS systems always get supported for more time than its competitors (you only need to look at the current weekly sales of the PS3 versus the sales of the 360 and Wii, and unlike the PS3 i expect the PS4 to sell much better on the US in its later year even after the gen ends), so even if its a neck and neck race in the US between the PS4 and X1, i expect the PS4 to win in life time sales just because the PS consoles normally have better legs than its competitors.

Xbone > PS4 in the US is extremely unlikely at this point, but I guess one could be a very risky gambler.

But Wii U > PS4 in Japan is utterly impossible and would only garner a total fool's vote.

Do people really think TVs X1 will pull ahead in NA at some point? PS4 will be 1 million ahead in the region by the holiday season and Halo 5 will not catapult it ahead. PS4 sells great all year round while X1 only does incredibly well in holiday