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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect: Ready for a Transgender Protagonist


What do you think?

Hell yeah, trasgender protagonist! 19 13.01%
Hell no, GTFO! 44 30.14%
What would a trasgender p... 71 48.63%
Show me the results! 10 6.85%
PieToast said:

Character creation in Mass Effect was awful but I'm sure Bioware fixed this issue after DA: Inquisition. Technically, I can create a character and say that it's trangender (which I did), but finally the adding dialogue and incorporating it with the story makes it more concrete. Which in turn makes it more enjoyable, and less meta for the player.

The question that remains is: a complete post-op transgender?

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If it's optional. Being able to play as an alien protagonist would be nice.

Wright said:
PieToast said:

Character creation in Mass Effect was awful but I'm sure Bioware fixed this issue after DA: Inquisition. Technically, I can create a character and say that it's trangender (which I did), but finally the adding dialogue and incorporating it with the story makes it more concrete. Which in turn makes it more enjoyable, and less meta for the player.

The question that remains is: a complete post-op transgender?

A trap boy elf. I hate elfs but it was at least easy.

And there are no medical operations in the Dragon Age universe. Only magic.

.- -... -.-. -..

 would be awesome for transgenders

I'm fine with having transginger characters in games, as long as I can call myself Erica and use girl's bathroom - now get out of my way, I have to take a shit.

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Seems like a natural progression. As long as it's handled correctly, it would be pretty neat.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

So would the trans-woman be voiced by a man and the trans-man be voiced by a woman?

If you play Fem-shep in a certain way you could argue that she is mildly transgender, tomboyish at least.

I completely disagree with hard-wiring the PC as a transgender character. The thing with the Bioware PCs to date have been the ability to choose to be gay or straight (is it possible to be Bi in any of the DA or ME games?). So hardwiring. Whether or not you argue that there should be 4 equally recognised sexes (cis-male, cis-female, trans-male, trans-female), the fact of the matter is that making the PC trans is forcing a characterisation on gamers who may object. With the sexual orientation aspect you can be a raving homophobe and still play Mass Effect and strictly pursue the hetero path.

I would prefer Bioware take a smaller step and have one of the NPCs be trans. At least that way you can choose to recruit / use that character according to your own personal philosophy. It is one thing for art to challenge and question ideas and beliefs about sexuality and gender, it's another thing for art to cram those ideas down people's throats.

I'll still buy it and play it, if it's an actually good game, as I have no issues at all with transgendered people, I will merely disagree with that particular decision.

And now I want to play the ME series all over again.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


I would play the shit out of that. I be looking for for different angles in games. As long as the story is good. That being said, don't be different just to be different. Thats boring. Be different and be good. Do that and I will play.

Thats how BioShock won me over.

I knew it. It's a wright post. As long as the game is good I don't care.