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Forums - Politics Discussion - Indiana Governer signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers.

Indiana 1886

Seriously, what bullshit!

Add me on Xbox: DWTKarma 

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kitler53 said:

then let me just say that i hope at some point in your life you get a chance to feel the pain of being discriminated against for no good reason.  perhaps if will give you a chance to grow as a person and find tolerance for others whom do are not 100% aligned with your life choices but are still good people. 

So you "wish" / "pray" that I sufffer because of my views. How hyprocratical. Lol. But it solidifies my fact even more. Ha ha ha.

Let me just take a wild guess as to which political party he's affiliated with...

daredevil.shark said:
kitler53 said:

then let me just say that i hope at some point in your life you get a chance to feel the pain of being discriminated against for no good reason.  perhaps if will give you a chance to grow as a person and find tolerance for others whom do are not 100% aligned with your life choices but are still good people. 

So you "wish" / "pray" that I sufffer because of my views. How hyprocratical. Lol. But it solidifies my fact even more. Ha ha ha.

"hope" is what i said.   and you don't have a fact you have a viewpoint.    ..and i think you're viewpoint would change if you better understood how it can negatively impact someones life. 

..if it were you that went to the grocery store and were told "we don't serve your kind here".   ..if it were you to be told not to dine at a restaurant because they didn't want you mingling with their patreans.   ...if it were you who was told you couldn't send your kids to a good school because of segregation.

if it were you, you'd have a different view i think.   ..and you'd be a better person for it.



theprof00 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Thats the very thing they think god wants. Problem is god also told them to leave the judgement to him.

The other problem is that God also told his followers to be "shepards for others" which is why a lot of them think they can go around telling people what to do.

Except people don't realize that being a good leader isn't about discrimination, it's about uniting the group as a whole.

True. I think the sentiment was that they try to spread the good word. Even as a pacifist in the scripture Jesus has refused a following from those who had too much of a love for money. If someone didn't believe or didn't want to be bothered in general I would think it would be the same way philosophically where they would walk away. Then again, the idea was that was god in a normal mans body so his patience had to have been abnormal since he was looking for the human experience. Its very hard for most humans to be Christ-like.

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daredevil.shark said:
kitler53 said:

then let me just say that i hope at some point in your life you get a chance to feel the pain of being discriminated against for no good reason.  perhaps if will give you a chance to grow as a person and find tolerance for others whom do are not 100% aligned with your life choices but are still good people. 

So you "wish" / "pray" that I sufffer because of my views. How hyprocratical. Lol. But it solidifies my fact even more. Ha ha ha.

He's saying for lack of a better word "Karma". He wants you to understand what its like to be in his shoes. Most people are blind to their beliefs until they have reality step in.

I was talking to the thread starter. He tied it in with religion which I didn't even understand, and also gay marriage was already legalized in Indiana, so this "law" would not even exist. I am personally not for gays, that's just me, but even I know that rejecting gay customers would be so wrong. 


I just don't even get where he is going with this.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
daredevil.shark said:

So you "wish" / "pray" that I sufffer because of my views. How hyprocratical. Lol. But it solidifies my fact even more. Ha ha ha.

He's saying for lack of a better word "Karma". He wants you to understand what its like to be in his shoes. Most people are blind to their beliefs until they have reality step in.

There have been numerous politicians and actors who have been against gay marriage and rights until their child "came out". When these kinds of people finally have an inlet of what it's like, they finally get it. It's so frustrating to know that these kinds of people are in power, where it takes a family member to convince them of something, and they can't just try and understand the situation on their own.

Empathy is about caring enough about a situation to actively try to understand it....not about waiting until you get smacked in the face with it.

BTW I am really happy with this governor. Every US governor should be like him. He is an idol.

qwertyDANIELqwerty said:

I was talking to the thread starter. He tied it in with religion which I didn't even understand, and also gay marriage was already legalized in Indiana, so this "law" would not even exist. I am personally not for gays, that's just me, but even I know that rejecting gay customers would be so wrong. 


I just don't even get where he is going with this.

The Bill is called the "religious-freedom" bill.

Gay marriage was legalized in Indiana, and it's expected that the supreme court will rule on same-sex marriage bans this year. It is likely they will rule them as unconstitutional, so in order to get ahead of the game and continue making life hard for gays, they decided to move forward on this law, to allow continued discrimination.