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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the XBO version of FFXV a mistake?

whatever said:
onionberry said:
whatever said:
onionberry said:
More money is not a mistake, never.

If it sells poorly, they won't make money on it.

what's poorly? Both consoles have the same architecture, so if the ps4 version sells 5m, the xbox1 version 1m and the pc version 700,000 (hopefully because this game deserves to be played at max settings)  they're going to be fine.

If they need to spend significant time getting the XB1 version playable, which it seems they will according to the DF analysis, then the cost of development would cause the XB1 to lose money if it sells poorly.  It's no way guaranteed it will sell 1m on the XB1.


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exdeath said:
Maybe if the characters had goatees, scared faces, and carried grenades and machine guns and it only had online vs mode the XBox target audience would be all over it.

BTW, The Order 1886 has your characters with goatees and scarred faces carrying grenades and machine guns covered, while Destiny has your online only covered as well.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

NightDragon83 said:
exdeath said:
Maybe if the characters had goatees, scared faces, and carried grenades and machine guns and it only had online vs mode the XBox target audience would be all over it.

Take a look at the WW top selling games for PS4 and XB1, then tell usagain how it's only Xbox gamers who play shooters...

Just swap out the exclusives and the lists are practically identical.  Same goes for PS3 and Xbox 360.  But don't let those little facts get in the way of your opinions and stereotypes.

You should throw in the fact that Sony has way more shooter IPs than MS.

But that's none of my business...

irstupid said:
VXIII said:

Why not ?

"The character models as a whole are certainly a highlight as well. Square-Enix claims that models peak at 100,000 triangles including LOD with upwards of 20,000 dedicated specifically to the characters hair style. Character models are built around 600 individual bones, 10-12 times greater than their last-generation efforts, allowing for more complex motion on the whole. This is topped off by subsurface scattering, used to great effect in combination with the realistic clothing materials on display. Looking past the game's somewhat rough image quality, one can really start to see something here which resembles pre-rendered CG."

I'm not talking about the detail or animation or whatever else technical you want to talk about.

I'm talking about the fact its one emo and his boyband.  That has been dissed on for years.  If they were bald men with goatees and muslces they would also look super detailed and have a billion polygons.  

I was talking more about their looks than their graphics.  

So, he shouldn't brag about the character design because you don't like them.. subjectively...?

talking about being stereotype.

VXIII said:
irstupid said:

I'm not talking about the detail or animation or whatever else technical you want to talk about.

I'm talking about the fact its one emo and his boyband.  That has been dissed on for years.  If they were bald men with goatees and muslces they would also look super detailed and have a billion polygons.  

I was talking more about their looks than their graphics.  

So, he shouldn't brag about the character design because you don't like them.. subjectively...?


talking about being stereotype.

I'm not talking about my tastes.  Though I do find them dumb.  The community as a whole, websites, users, ect. all over have ben shitting on this "boy band its emo leader" for year.  It's not new.

I was just pointing out its funny he is making fun of the muscle army look when this game has very much contraversial looks for its chraacters.  They are definately not loved by all or very many period.  You probably find as many people that love these looks as you would if they were 4 muscled up army dudes.

Lets not even get into the stereotype of the group as a whole.  Each one fits a total cliche character trope.

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This game will sell big no matter the platform.

Lightning returns however was probably a poor investment on the 360, as PS3 was the main platform and they had to port it to the 360.

celador said:
So these games sell far less on Xbox because of that fanbase having better taste? Good grief

They sell less on Xbox because that console's fanbase has less interest in Japanese games. There is a reason MS focuses so heavily on only a few genres. They would never, for instance, fund their own JRPG like Sony would. Trying to switch the narrative to Xbox fans having more discerning tastes is laughable. Plenty of high rated Japanese games have come and gone with a much better attach rate on PS, and that will always be the case.

I guess you never heard of Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undisovery and MagnaCarta 2 those where only available on the 360

Chazore said:
Azuren said:

How so? In that they didn't pick the clearly inferior system?

You mean like the PS4 is compared to PC?.

I really lothe the type of people that like to falunt around that their system is superior to one they claim is inferior and then when PC is thrown into the ring they make up excuses and drag the goal posts all over the place, it's time to face facts that the PS4 is just an inferior system in terms of graphics as the Xb1 if you're going to thrown down big like that.

GZ was also a good port done properly right and optimized well for the PC that it can actually run all the bells and whistles on how the game was visually meant to look and be played, it shows that the PS4 can't handle everything it tries to market itself as and that's why we have defenders too busy moving goal posts when they are challenged and thenw e have this kind of poor kiddy scrap, don't call the other system inferior without realising your own one is yourself, don't throw sales crap into a visual argument when the hardware performs poorly either.

I really loathe when people bring the PC into a discussion about console as if it's in any way relevant.

irstupid said:
VXIII said:

So, he shouldn't brag about the character design because you don't like them.. subjectively...?


talking about being stereotype.

I'm not talking about my tastes.  Though I do find them dumb.  The community as a whole, websites, users, ect. all over have ben shitting on this "boy band its emo leader" for year.  It's not new.

I was just pointing out its funny he is making fun of the muscle army look when this game has very much contraversial looks for its chraacters.  They are definately not loved by all or very many period.  You probably find as many people that love these looks as you would if they were 4 muscled up army dudes.

You can't speak for The community actually. That cannot be measured. Not that it will make the "opinion" any less narrow and subjective. So, your reference is the online gaming community, where we know who is usually the loudest... that says a lot actually

There are no good foundation to bash a very well made characters design from an objective stand point. He can "brag" all he want for a great technical achievement.

No, it isn't, from what I've seen, a lot, and I mean, A LOT of people are saying that this is the first FF game they've been interested in, game's reaching for a new audience, and when's that the case there's no reason to limit your game to a specific market just like that. The sales will depend mostly on the marketing.

I'm now filled with determination.